(no subject)

Jul 17, 2013 03:40

I've been struggling with anxiety the last few days. I wish I knew what brought it on. But my liver has been acting up for a while, so I'm wondering if it's all related. I really need to go in and have them test my liver again, but part of me is afraid to hear that it's worse. That and we don't really have the money right now for me to be seen by the doctor. We don't get paid again till Monday and we're down to like $200 and very low on groceries, so I have a feeling I'm going to go buy a few things we can cook with to get us through. Thankfully the kids are creative. When I woke up today at 1pm they had already made spaghetti for lunch and we're nice enough to save me some. I hate being so low on everything.

We've had a horrible fire raging in the mountains that we live below since yesterday. It's making the air really hard to breath. My eyes and throat are killing me. I've been drinking a ton of water. It's been sort of odd though, because John Barrowman who I follow on facebook and twitter posted yesterday afternoon a video of the fire from his backyard. I was like how bizarre John's house is on the other side of the mountain from us. I thought he lived farther into Palm Springs then that. So we've been doing dualing fire reports. People on the mountain we're evacuated last night. But we are far enough away that we are fine. We just get the smoke and ash like everyone in Palm Dessert and Palm Springs. Other folks in PS and PD have said that the ash looks like snow coming down. No fun. Even inside our house smells of smoke and it's been shut up all day. I hope they get it out tomorrow.

B is so sweet and texted me to see how I was doing. Some how that led to a conversation about us needing to have sex soon. LOL You'd think we were horny teenagers or something. We talk about it a ton more then we ever do it. But I think it's nice to feel like hey you're wanted even if other stuff gets in the way. It's hard right now with me not feeling so hot and the kids are home, so getting time alone isn't easy. Our old cottage has very thin walls, so they can hear anything from another room. They even bitch if I laugh to loud in my room and they are trying to watch tv in the family room, which is right next to our bedroom. B gets off in an hour, but if I wait up I won't get any good sleep or I'll be in bed all day with him which I hate to do to the kids. It's fine during the school year when they are gone. But I don't like them to feel like I'm ignoring them.
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