mission accomplished

Apr 21, 2005 10:21

the other day we had a potato gun naval battle out on garveys lake. it was crazy, me and dan vs dave and garvey. me and dan definately one cuz we hit their boat twice but as we were docking dave and garvey fired another shot at us and hit the water and bounced up and went right in between me and dan. garveys dad came down to watch us and i think he was more into the battle then we were. do not fire a potato gun while holding it against ur chest...it shoots fire and fire burns.
then yesterday 420 ,alls i can say is wow. we did an extreme jane out at club mitch. muchos bike parts for every1 think the grand total was like 8 or 9. mr. jigglypuff joined us to make this even sweeter. he never lets us down. it was a nice night and we just rode on micth's deck. the sky was soo trippy cuz the clouds we moving at different speeds and the wind was fierce. we peaked just as 420 was comming to a close. i think every1 there was fuckin retarded by that time. mad props to dan for getting the beer i feel bad cuz we ate like all of mitch's food and didnt help him clean that much but i think im gonna give him a call and see if i can help him clean just a lil bit, but im still pretty burnt so i think im gonna go sleep for a lil bit and try to recover from the black diamond stone
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