Book Frenzy

Jun 20, 2007 19:00

This week has been over the top. First of all I drive on my own now. The first time, when we drove in separate cars, after picking his new Honda up from the dealership, I was scared shitless. Two days after it's getting as liitle bit easier. Just the thought that a nice red car is waiting for me outside makes my heart leap... The fact that I can hop in the said car and drive myself anywhere I want, makes it seem like fairy tale. The freedom I feel when I drive... Well, not compleatly, of course because I am not that expirienced, but still....
I also shot a 22 rifle last Thursday. It went fairly well. I just couldn't keep my arms steady. I'll have to practice that.
Third of all, when I bought a book, I read about on the internet, I had no idea how much it would captivate me. Honestly, it's been a long time since I'd lost sleeep from the excitement of learning the end of the story. Harry Potter series is the only thing that affects me that way:)
'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyers is extremely captivating. The tension grows by the second. I couldn't sleep until I was finished with the novel. However, when I was finished, the urge to know more about the fate of Edward and Bella got me driving to the mall for the sequel, 'New Moon'. Now there're two books I can't wait to get my hands on. 'Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows' and 'Eclipse'. Apparenly I am attracted to novels about withches, wizards, vampires, and werevolves. Tonight I was impatient, I scanned through first few chapters of the second book which set me off crying like baby, so naturally, I had to read the last chapters to make sure there was a happt end. Sounds childish, but I still believe in fairy tales.
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