Veterans Day - a mixed bag of emotions

Nov 11, 2019 19:05

I am proud of those who serve in today's all volunteer military forces.  There are many sacrifices these folks make, some big, some small.  Some make the ultimate sacrifice and have nothing but a grieving widow or other family member receiving the flag from their coffin to remember them by.

For the longest time, medical treatment for military members has been spotty at best.  I personally know veterans, a couple of whom I served with, who have never gotten the full care they need and deserve.

Our politician are all to happy to treat them as disposable assets.  Toy soldiers to move around a game board, and when one breaks, simply go get a new one.  This is deplorable.  But there doesn't seem to be a plan by anyone to improve the situation.

So when I see the faux patriotism on display at sporting events, it sickens me.  Because giving a select few military members free tickets to an event to show "your support" while putting them on display for the cameras is empty bullshit.  And you should be ashamed.

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