Make a list of items you plan to buy in the future.
- *- A house: I really do love my apartment, only because it's super cozy and full of my crap but really, I'd like to invest in a home in the country one day. My parents have a beautiful house in Moscow that I'm truly envious of, they've really fixed the place up. My Dad keeps pressuring me to buy a tore up house that's on auction and just spend any extra hours fixing the thing up, I can even rent it while I don't live there. Seems like a nice idea, right? Spending the Summer in a country house?
- *- A fixer-up old car: I've been interested in trying to restore an old car for a while now. I think I'd have to get a really old Porsche and just spend my weekends attempting to fix it up. How awesome would it be to have a vintage Porsche?! I'd die of happiness, really. Porsche's are my favorite car, hands down, I love my little red one, she is sexy.
- *- A greenhouse on the roof: My building has this cool opportunity for people to rent out greenhouses on the roof. I've been thinking about it, wondering if I could actually even grow something up there, and it seems like a good idea. Some things I'd really like to grow are: tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers...etc. My Mom has this wicked green thumb, so I'm hoping I inherited from her because it would be super depressing to see little dead tomatoes.
- *- Another laptop: Yeah, I know I already have a Mac Book Pro, but I really hate toting it between school and back, I think I'll need to invest in one that Ella can use while she's working. My personal laptop just has a ton of, you know, personal information on it that I'd hate to see get stolen or broken. I could handle breaking one that was just for general use/grading purposes because everything gets backed up on a bi-weekly bases on external harddrives anyways. What do you think Ella?
That's all I can really think about right now?