Mom's back!

Nov 08, 2011 01:15

Took the afternoon off to finish up some housework and pick up Mom at the airport. Turned into a bit of a lick-and-a-promise cleanup, because I was too damn lazy to work properly this weekend, but oh well.

The cats are remembering her from previous visits and are settling down, The beginnings of discussion about separating our household goods have started - she's planning on returning to the States next year, and that means she'll need to furnish her house again with her stuff. What's left of it, at least - she sold off a bunch of crap. Oh well, she always said she wanted to simplify and get rid of a bunch of stuff.

I'll miss some of the things she'll be taking, I've been using them myself while she's gone. I won't miss the boxes all over the freaking house, though. There's going to be an entire room totally empty once she gets her stuff out of there, and I'm thinking of turning that into my art studio. I'd like to put a futon in there too, for when someone visits, but really, I don't like having a room that just sits empty for months out of the year.

She'll be here through the holidays. I'm glad.


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