This guy is incredible.
In other words, we had our staff training day today. Closed the whole library down and concentrated on learning and skill-building.
I wound up running a lot of the show. The first half of the morning was spent going over the Thrice-Bedamned Disaster Plan Of Ultimate Doom. It's taken the better part of a year to get the cursed thing to where Boss wanted it, and it's been one problem after another the whole time. Absolutely NOTHING has gone right where it's concerned. Including today, since going over it, despite my best efforts, went over schedule and we wound up reviewing things right through the time scheduled for the morning break and we had to go straight from the review to the lesson from the EMTs that XO arranged to cover some basic first aid instructions. ("Don't move anyone you think could possibly maybe theoretically have suffered a spinal injury, direct pressure is the best way to handle bleeding, and if in doubt call 911, we really don't mind!")
Then came the afternoon, and we were taking web-courses, mostly focused on Microsoft Office products (is anyone surprised that it's backed by the Gates Foundation?) Thing is, the state only pays for us to take two of these classes a calendar year - a decision they made this June or July, after I'd already taken three classes. Which meant that I couldn't take another course, and that meant that I was free to help anyone who needed it.
Something that some of you might know about me - I tend to be rather withdrawn and don't like being in the center of attention or doing a lot of talking. That means lecturing and teaching tend to exhaust me pretty quickly. So by the time that the day ended, I was really tired. And this was before I went to the meeting for the animal rescue group. Since I'm now on the board (oooh, Publicity Chairman, doesn't that sound impressive? :P) I needed to be right up front and give a report. Joy.
In other matters, it's starting to feel like autumn. How long that's going to last is anyone's guess.