I believe...

Sep 24, 2006 22:23

There's a difference between theology and ideology.

Many people who hate Christians for being Christians say it's because we live by an effed-up ideology. That we're unable to understand others' ideologies.

I think that's false. It's rather conceited to say so, but I think I'm pretty gosh-darned open minded and learned about nearly every ideology and belief-system on this planet. I don't avoid learning about other religions, in fact, I love experiencing new cultures and faiths. It's fascinating. And many Christians I know are the same.

Also: I should point out that I don't learn about other religions to test out if they're better than Christianity, or to learn just enough to disprove them and show how Christianity is the best. I do it because I'm interested, and I enjoy learning more about other people.

... But yes, it is true that so far that I've seen/read/heard/experienced, Christianity is the only solid religion out there. As a Christian, I have answers to questions, I have love and peace and joy in a way that I don't believe is available in any other relgions. Of course, there are probably plenty of Hindus or Buddhists out there who could say the same, and the Muslims and Pagans next to them would nod assent.

I think it's much more than an "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality. I think that people need to get down to the theology, and really analyze their religions. How they came to be, where, when, why, how - and what they stand for. Find out what rings true. And THEN develop an ideology to match.

They don't necessarily go hand in hand. After all, atheists and agnostics usually claim no theology, but they're all over their ideologies, and how they are better than the Christian ideology (which is based in Christ's works, but as many atheists have said, you don't have to be a Christian to believe that Jesus was a good guy).

I'm also really frustrated with atheists who sprout off biblical verses as proof that God doesn't exist. That's just silly.

Just because I have the strength to have faith in God doesn't mean I'm stupid. If you're going to try to disprove His existence, you should probably stop using HIS Word to do so.

That's all. Have a lovely evening!


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