goodness gracious!

Sep 23, 2006 10:24

... Great balls of fire!

Sorry, had to do that. (Hm, that reminded me of you, Jule!)

Anyway. Life has been... well, not good, actually. But it's getting better. That whole being sick thing completely sapped my focus, motivation, and determination. I missed school, work, Core, fell behind in nearly everything, and was cranky and mean to people just trying their best to cheer me up.

I suck.

But like I said, it's getting better! I had a chat with God last night/this morning, and I feel refreshed. It's a new week for me. I have Relay for Life today (although I wish there were two of me so I could go on the Chi Alpha retreat). My kitty has gas and the hiccups, and it's quite possibly the cutest thing, EVER! I finally formatted my computer, and it now almost everything running on it is LEGIT! Yesterday there was a group of autistic folks cleaning up the Chipman Trail, and it was AWESOME! And I met my goal of $350 for the Relay for Life!

Yeah, cool, stuff.

Also, I have a different journal now for God-related musings. Not that I still won't mention Him here, as I talk about my life in this here "livejournal" and hey, He's the most important part of it! And it's not to spare those on here who don't wish to read about it, because as much as I dislike offending people, well, it *is* my journal, and I know all of my friends are intelligent enough to use filters if necessary... No, I decided to do some daily devotional stuff over in another journal because I think God deserves His own journal. =) It's cleaner, and simpler, and makes it easier for me to daily devotionals.

geekery, faith, life

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