May 18, 2006 00:47
Gotta love watching Rent, never saw the play, but dam this is good. Making me all emo. Uhhh! and Rosario Dawson!? Hell to the yeaaa! But, most of all, it reminds me of the TL so much and the people there. Granted, most of them through my work, but I do love getting to know folks as best as possible. Great stories, lots of pain, lot of having nothing, and sometimes worse, diseases, disabilities, mental health issues, and then the institutions weighing down day in and day out.
And I see and think about way too much at a time, per person, in every situation. As if I'm just waiting for something to happen, not the apocalypse or any conspiracy theory, just that ruptura through the madness that keeps us locked up physically and inside of our minds.
Back to work en la mañana. "Seasons of love, lo-looooove!!"