
Jun 04, 2005 11:11

so for those of you who have not seen me in the past few days, you may have heard about the hideous rash that has consumed my face, back and chest. if you hadnt heard, now you have. i first noticed this tuesday morning before i went to babysit. it was just on parts of my forehead and the sides of my nose. at that point i thought i broke out in acne and was a little confused cuz i have never gotten a breakout that large before. by the time i got out of there and was at home, it had spread to all of my forehead, around my eyes, etc. by the next morning it was on my back and moving up the back of my neck, was more on my just progressively got worse. now i knew it wasnt acne. i figured it was an allergic reaction to something, but that didnt make sense really either cuz my skin never really reacts to allergens...even my bee stings and bug bites are small usually. but nothing else seemed to make sense, so i ruled out everything but allergic reaction. then i had to think about what it could be to. the first thing i thought of was the little girl i babysit for (no, i didnt think i was allergic to her...). she has asthma, and since she's only 2, she takes a nebulizer (vaporizer) instead of an inhaler to get her medicine. she has to take it at least every morning and every night, and i give it to her in the morning. she sits on my left side and cuddles with me while she takes it and the left side of my face is MUCH worse than the right so i think it has to be a reaction to the vapors hitting my skin.

we call Bernice, the kids' grandmother (who they live with) and ask if its possible to be allergic to Albutarol (the med in her nebulizer). she calls Angelina's doc and he says it would be highly unusual, especially if i didnt have a respiratory reaction as well. so again we're thinkin "umm...what else could it be?". so yesterday i go to my doc and he thought the same about the albutarol. he thought it could be one of two things: 1. a contact dermatitus (allergic reaction to something that touched my skin...but not the albutarol), or 2. lupus or a "lupoid type" thing. great, i could have lupus... but since he wasnt 100% sure, he brought in his partner to check. his partner is my old doc who we switched from cuz he was such a moron. he thought i had a rare form of acne and wanted to do a skin graph (no way- OUCH!!!!!). ok why would acne show up so quickly and SPREAD??? its a rash you incompetent imbicile!!! i kinda remember him liking to do unnecessary procedures like that.

so yeah, that's the verdict so far. i got blood work done though just to see and we'll know no later than wednesday what it is. my mom and i still maintain that its Bean's medicine. while waiting for my doc to come in my mom tested the albutarol on me (i had a vile of it w/ me incase the doc wanted to check it against my blood work or something). she tested me using a kenesiological arm strength test (sounds wacky i know, but we do it all the time and it of those homeopathic things people used to use before mainstream meds came around). according to the arm strength test i am extremely allergic to the medicine. it'll be interesting to see what the blood says and whether my mom and i are right or the doc is.

either way, i have an ugly rash on my face and look like a monster. its not contageous so i wont give it to anyone i see, but please keep the joking to a minimum, my bro's have probably already spit out whatever youre are thinking to so its not original ;). i'll keep you guys updated on my monsterousness when i figure it out. see ya!
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