
Jan 06, 2007 00:38

Wow, I haven’t had a remotely serious LiveJournal entry in quite a while. I think it’s time? Well, now I feel obligated to be serious. This probably won’t end up that serious, though.

-Screw that-

Anyways, the college process is making my life feel quite unendurable right now. Not in the "I'm gonna kill myself.." kind of way at all, but in the sense that if I had a big time machine I'd go somewhere else, very far away from the college process.

Why? Well basically, I just HATE turning down social opportunities. Like, fun activities of any sort that involve friends. ESPECIALLY when its for something as lame as the college process. I know that's quite a lame complaint I've got, but it's cause I workworkwork and then a certain point comes, where it's time to go to bed, yet I've talked with absolutely nobody and the antisocialness of it just kills me! I used to like solitude quite a lot but right now, it really just isn't my thing. I've become dependent on hanging out with friends cause when I don't I just get totally depressed and lonely. And that makes cheerfully working on some more college apps quite difficult. I've gotta be in a good mood to work on the apps, yet I'm rarely in a good mood if I'm alone at home for a long period of time.

But GOD, do I hate being alone. I would hate to be stuck on a desert island - I would soo have a Wilson after just a couple hours. No, I’d have like an entire community/village of Wilsons. For those of you who haven't seen the movie Castaway, I'm talking about the art of turning inanimate objects into imaginary friends. It's something I did very well in my youth. Tom Hanks’ character does it in the movie with a volleyball. I think he loses it while trying to pull out a tooth with some non-tooth-pulling material like rope? I can’t remember. But if so, talk about having a bad fucking day!

But anyhoo, college. You're a tad overwhelming, wanna just, like... leave? Everything about you, down to the number of schools I'm applying to, is stressful. In fact, that example is especially stressful, come to think of it!

UC Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, NYU, Hampshire (though it seems quite sketch), Northeastern, CalArts, Berklee School of Music.

That's ALL that I'm applying to. AAH. I feel like there is a huge problem with that. I know "there's no problem at all with only applying to a few schools, as long as they aren't all stretches", but it still feels quite discomforting.

Santa Cruz, I like you. But I saw you on a very foggy day and it made you look REALLY gloomy and unattractive... which is weird cause I've heard such great things? I like that you live close (or closer than any others I'm applying to) to SF/Mill Valley.

Santa Barbara, I know barely anything about you. I'm applying to you because you have a good music program, you look nice, and yeah.

NYU, you're in New York. New York is cold. Why do I want to go to your school? Well cause it'd be frickin incredible, I guess. In education and in your music department as well. And you're in new york. But new york is cold. oh, the dilemmas.

Hampshire, I thought the only way to spell "sketch" was S-K-E-T-C-H, but apparently not anymore. You are in Amherst, MA. You're admissions office is a barn, you "don’t have grades", and "don’t have majors". But you are very happy about your bus system. Well, that's just great. However, you have quite an extraordinary number of music classes available for one to take, and that's why I'm still applying.

Northeastern, you're awesome! You go for 5 years, but you find people good jobs that they're happy at in a way that apparently actually works. but that's not why you're awesome, you're awesome because you're in Boston and because you have a sweeeeeeet music program. Actually, a Music Technology program, to be specific. but you sound sweet. Accept me please?

CalArts. You are awesome, and you are in Valencia (SOMEWHAT close to L.A, at least?). You are sweet? Yep. But you don't have much in the way of normal education stuff, since you're an art school or whatever.

Berklee school of music. You're in Boston, but like CalArts you aren't exactly known for your normal education classes. However, you are pretty awesome, still,  because you have EVERYTHING anybody could ever possibly want (as study topics within music).

Apparently, I like Northeastern a good amount? That's actually kind of significant! I feel a little bit better, for tonight at least.

See, LiveJournals help you figure out such incredible things.
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