(no subject)

Mar 16, 2009 17:51

Hey, everybody, welcome back to Monday.  Boy, what a day.  I feel a bit all over the place, since work is starting to head down that spiral of insanity, and I'm not really sure we can do anything about it.  We had a contractor quit on Friday, one more finishes up her run this week, and I've been informed that we're not hiring anyone else on, so we're all just going to have to cover the rest of the work.  And what do I wind up with?  The Fleet of the Damned.  Seriously, this fleet has never been easy, or good, or understandable in any form.  I think Peter was the only person to keep it under control and he's been gone since November, so yeah.  And Rob knew how to deal with it because he was the manager, but his knowledge is now on the 12th floor where it does me no good.  So, yes, bit of a panic this morning, but I got through the day.  And Jennifer found me before I left to tell me that she was going to cut a bunch of patterns out of the Fleet of the Damned (since we're supposed to be getting rid of it ANYWAY), so hopefully that will help.  It's such a mess.

Also, Brian wasn't here today, so the new manager decided to find me more often than not with questions, most of which I only had the vaguest idea about.  I'm trying to be patient, but I want someone who will answer my questions rather than just pass the buck.  And I don't trust him enough to ask him questions yet.  Argh.  Now is not the time for training the management.

But it is sunny outside and warm, hence the open window.  House is on later, Jack's in St. Louis, I need to call Terry, and work on my resume, and email Ruth about the website...okay, that list suddenly killed it there for me.  Things were going great until I realized I had to work tonight.  Dammit.  Ruth wants to know what I think of starting a group online for the Omaha chapter.  I think it's a great idea, but I don't want to do it.  Somebody else do it.  I really have no technical savvy, and frankly, I'm lazy.  I'm trying to get a new job, work on my novel, and attempt to have a social and free time.  I don't have the ambition to start a website.  Ugh, hopefully I can say no to this one without seeming like a total slacker.

Uh, let's see, saw Watchmen yesterday.  It was okay.  I could've done without the gratuitous blood letting, but I guess that's part of the novel's aesthetic.  And Rorschach was still a badass.  At least his storyline stayed the same just about, and he really was perfect for the role, the guy who played him nailed it on the head.  Everybody in that movie really had their role down, the story was just a little off.  But the action sequences were shiny, and the previews were awesome.  The incidental music was really bad, though.  I mean, the version of "Hallelujah" they played when Nite Owl and Silk Spectre finally got their freak on kind of killed the scene for me because the song sounded so dopey.  But at least they had "All Along the Watchtower".  Always a classic.

Oh, and speaking of the little brother, he was in my room on Saturday night gushing about his new toy Resident Ebu FIBU!  Or for those of you who don't speak Jackopese, Resident Evil 5.  Long story, but he was telling me about his character, and doing stuff with the intrepid hero Chris...

Jack: "I'm getting vain about it.  He's in his tactical costume, and I feel like he needs to look professional and stuff, so I got rid of the pistol handled shotgun, and got something more stealthy."
Me: "Wait, so you had to change guns because it didn't go with his outfit?"
Jack: *laughs* "Yeah, that's it!"
Me: "You need to properly accesorize to hunt zombies in Africa."

That cracked me up like you would not believe.  Oh, boy.

All right.  I'm going to go do something.  Maybe.  It would help if I could stop having these infernal brazen tart thoughts all the time.  It's getting ridiculous.  Anyway, I'm going over there now.

spaz, resume, brazen tarts, movies, warm, weather, jane, resident evil, work, watchmen, spring

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