Mar 31, 2011 22:19
Oh yea, how could I have forgotten?! I had what I'm pretty sure was my very last ARCS event!! The 3rd years had to do a poster session, and it actually wasn't too bad. This was the first time I've had people actually come up to my poster (I'm 0-2 for both BGSA Symposiums so far) so it was a nice change. I enjoyed talking to the ladies for the most part, although most of the time I couldn't tell if they were giving me weird looks because I was trying to dumb it down too much, or because they were completely lost. I tried. :-\ However, my first visitors included the director of the pathology program... why I keep seeing her at ARCS events I don't know, but at least it was an opportunity to speak science with a real scientist for once. When they were leaving, they said, "now who should we torture next?" Not too surprising... It's always fun to see some people though. It would have been nice of them to feed us some real food at least, though!! Can't say I'm going to miss these things too much, but I will miss the checks. :P