Feb 23, 2008 23:25
Haven't eaten a thing since lunch on Thursday. Flu? Food poisoning? Don't know what's wrong with me. Chest and sinuses are clear. i was racked with terrible fever Thursday night and Friday. A dozen trips to the toilet finished off with dry heaves Friday night. Only one trip this morning but have held steady since then. Fever left me disgustingly drenched in sweat. i still feel very weak and light headed. At times i couldn't concentrate on music, the tv, or even a computer and just had to lay down.
So whatever it was i'm hoping it's gone. i'm finally having something to eat tonight. At what point does feeling like crap come from either being sick or from not having eaten in awhile
Meanwhile, i've gotten sick at the worst time. i was invited to join my dad and brothers for a trip up North. They were drawn to hunt for javalina but the weather has been super stormy all week including major rain and snow yesterday. i would loved to have taken pics up North! Plus Old Town had some kind of festival going on and though i saw it from the car on ride with errands with the Smooch today i really would have loved to check it out.