there's nothing quite like enjoying some waterfalls in the rain with a lovely new friend. thanks. really.
-From 'Fear is the mind killer' dated Aug 6th
Life is a collection of intense sensations, each of which is neither positive/negative - good/bad - beautiful/ugly. They simply are co-created opportunities to experience freedom. Non-attachment is different than detachment.
-'Going Internal' 21st June
reconnaissance missions into previously forbidden territory, (done) can we say never ending?
seeking adventures beyond the borders of your known world, (in process)ah always
blowing your own mind on a regular basis, (hells yeah)can i second that?
exposing it to ideas it has never dared to entertain and by seeking out exotic experiences it has no precedents for. ( anyone have any ideas?) ooh ooh pick me! you know the answer to that one yourself silly monkey
-All of 'Mirror Gazing' 14th May
Looking back has given me a strange new layer of conceptualizing the past.
The next two to three weeks are gonna be some intense! Saturn is due to hit return v. soon. Bring it on baby! Actually, be nice, i've been preparing for the last year plus. Gimme a break. and lj, you still are a friend, lets keep it that way.