A list that's as blunt as I can make it

Sep 17, 2008 21:41

I have decided to write this entry in list format, so it's easy to follow for the few people who actually will spend the 2 minutes to skim/read this.
1. Oakwood Hosptial-Interning in ortho then starting october neuro and icu. A little worried about the ICU, but hey the worst thing that happens is they decline - that happens in life. I've been to funerals of the old and drastically young, it's a part of life.
2. Research day - went without a hitch, turned in the paper and awaiting a further grade.
3. Social life- people suck, and if you read this, you also may be included in that generalization, as i've realized that even people i consider friends/accquaintances tend to disappoint and very few people fit in the ok category. I hate always having to call people for them to not call me back or to have a one sided conversation because they don't feel like sharing...
4. Softball - great! One game won, one game cancelled, and i'm missing this friday's game.
5. Travel plans - visiting missy this weekend for a 10k and a one man show which will be good times. Oh and we'll be watching burn after reading.
6. PEF- I miss my kids - enough said.
7. Big test/real job - Got a review book for my big board exam. It looks horendous and feels horendous too...it's very heavy. I've decided that i'm not opposed to moving further from home for a job wheter it be further out to the western or northern michigan area or another state..the jobless rate in MI is 8.4%. Although heatlth care isn't affected to greatly, i'll keep my options open, but there are definitely some places i would refuse to move to.
8. Questions, comments, concerns - life is ok if you live with eyes wide open and actually realize the situations and people you surround with can either make you feel great or shitty - we all make our lives valuable or invaluable (in some people's opinions) - we just have to make the right choices and live with the consequences. Don't put too much stock in others, it may be better invested in yourself.
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