Aug 11, 2008 14:20
Summer is offically here. THe first week without my clinical rotation and i couldn't be more happy. It is a most well deserved break. My final review and critque went better than i had anticipated. My CI/supervisior marked me at entry level and the first time in her many years in pediatrics and the many students she supervised, I was the first she said that could tackle pediatrics as an entry level therapist. This is huge because now I love working in pediatrics and was a bit sad that it would be in my best interest to start with adults and then move back to peds. I feel like I could rock it out as a peds therapist, yet there is still so much more to learn. When you get out of school, learning definitely does not stop, especially for the health professional.
I'm about to be disconnected from electronic means of communication. Within the next 3 weeks or so, i'll be in michigan (for very brief periods), indiana, washington state, and north carolina. There really won't be too much of using the internet or the phone since i'll be on holiday. I like being disconnected from everything that makes the world move to fast and makes people think that they don't have enough time to enjoy life and are constantly connected to their e-mails and cell phones. It's not the life for me.