Into the storm

Aug 06, 2007 05:32

As the last of the team files through the door Makita closes it firmly behind herself and leads the way over to the window. Down in the square below twelve people move purposefully through the snow ( Read more... )

oom, war in bahamut

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Comments 107

slayer_fray August 6 2007, 14:44:45 UTC

Mel feels the need for no other words, and follows Makita closely, hands free and swinging.

She might not look like she's trying to be quiet or sneaky or anything other than out for a stroll, but her movements are silent anyway. It's just instinct.


twiststheblade August 6 2007, 16:36:17 UTC
Miho doesn't feel the need for any words at all.

She swings a little away from the group - all the better to get the job done. She's not used to working with more than maybe one or two people - she's more effective on her own. Besides, she's been here before - even if she didn't come up against anything like this.

She tugs her scarf down below her mouth - she's going to need as much air as she can get, freezing cold or not. She's bare-headed, not wanting to lose any of her peripheral vision. She's just as quiet as Mel, the only noise from her the slight and inevitable crunch of snow underneath the corrugated soles of thick boots. Her face is a blank mask - but her eyes are bright. This? Is going to be fun.


3rdtimelucky August 6 2007, 20:38:40 UTC
Goldy wonders why she can't set up here. She has a clean shot at every single one of the enemies. However, she defers to Makita's strategic knowledge of the area and assumes the next location must have better vantage points. So the instructions are given a nod of understanding, and she follows along.

"Holy fuck, it's cold," she utters through teeth already gritted against the bitter wind. Suddenly Steph's mothering doesn't seem quite so annoying. She pulls out a chapstick and applies it liberally as she walks.


dead_comrade August 6 2007, 22:38:09 UTC
Add another to the more effective on their own category, although Krauser's happy to play along. He's not antisocial. It's societies he has problems with.

He's also got nothing to contribute right now besides I'm just going to follow along quietly and not give us away. Makita's world, her plan; at least, unless the situation changes.


In the plaza theredstars August 31 2007, 13:55:47 UTC
As Miho's blade flicks out, the guardsman's eyes widen in sudden shock, and then pain. He won't be underestimating her any longer, but that's mostly because he's only got seconds before he bleeds to death in the snow. Blood spills down to stain his armor and pool across the surface of the snow, and even though he's a dead man he strives to complete his mission. The massive man stumblingly spreads his arms and throws himself clumsily at Miho.


Re: In the plaza twiststheblade September 5 2007, 15:52:49 UTC
Too clumsy, too slow, too late - by the time his hands grasp for her, the spot holds nothing but cold air. She's already darting for the woman, and coming as close to a prayer as she's ever been. This is not going to be easy. Not by any stretch of the imagination.


Re: In the plaza theredstars September 5 2007, 16:00:27 UTC
The sorceress' eyes are already glowing as Miho moves in on her, but the rage behind them is clearly visible. She finishes a mumbling string of syllables with a yell, "Kasting!"

And suddenly, the ground Miho was standing on drops out from under her. A neat circle, about ten meters across, simply falls from around the sorceress. The only ground left is a small spire on which the witch stands and a narrow walkway connecting it to the edge of the circle.

A savage grin of triumph spreads across the sorceress' face. She may have lost her guardsman, but no one is fast enough to survive a Drop protokol.


Re: In the plaza twiststheblade September 5 2007, 16:05:31 UTC

Almost no-one is fast enough. Miho, on the other hand, is moving before she consciously realises that the ground isn't there any more. When she felt the ground collapsing under her, she threw herself up and forwards - because going backwards just isn't an option. Legs that can soak a drop from eight stories can easily manage an olympic-calibre standing jump - and the witch is no longer alone on her spire.

She allows herself a second to grin, before her blade flickers towards the witch's throat. Miho doesn't take prisoners.


To the east theredstars August 31 2007, 14:35:10 UTC
The sorceress who's guardsman Mel just blew up shoots a momentary look of intense rage at the... flying girl. Then she turns and sprints to eastward. Her hand darts into her coat and comes out with a small cylinder. She pulls the pin, mumbling to herself, and her eyes glow bright white.

Then, abruptly, she spins in place to reveal that she's holding a massive glowing silhouette. It looks like a really large auto cannon, and there's a cruel smirk on her face as she yells, "Come on then!"


slayer_fray August 31 2007, 15:56:34 UTC
Mel just grins back, ducks down against the board and picks up speed, sweeping from side to side in large arcs as she draws her scythe.

She's used to running from guards and cops on this thing, presenting a moving target for blaster pistols, but she's not so experienced heading towards people.


theredstars August 31 2007, 18:39:54 UTC
There is a reason that the Gorkas hate and fear the witches. They wield incredible amounts of power, and Mel's about to see just how much. The glowing weapon begins spitting fire at the small dodging slayer at a rate that should be physically impossible.

There are a lot of rounds flying, but despite all the firepower at her disposal, and all her training, the sorceress really isn't sure how you're supposed to bracket in and shoot down a person flying around like that. Of course sometimes, if you have enough firepower you don't really have to aim.


slayer_fray September 1 2007, 07:31:01 UTC
This is true; sometimes you really don't. Mel's at the peak of a flight when she catches a burst of flame to her right shoulder, knocking her off her rug.

She doesn't even cry out, somersaulting in the air and rippnig her burning jacket off as she watches the rug fly off into a drift nearby. No way she's losing that.

It's done what she needed it to do, anyway; sped her after her target so fast that when she finally drops, it's more or less on top of the witch.


To the west theredstars August 31 2007, 14:41:44 UTC
After Makita took down her first target, the sorceress started to chase her. But with all the other combat going on, there's a shift in direction. The witch cuts an angle and begins moving west quickly. She needs some space before coming back to kill the ambushers. The sorceress moves with the long, ground-eating lope of someone who actually knows how to move in the snow as she leaves the plaza.


Re: To the west runmakitarun August 31 2007, 14:48:58 UTC
Makita pounds west, watching the way the sorceress moves. The woman is good, and that means this is probably going to be a long chase. With the snow coming down the way it is, it will only take one flurry to drop visibility enough that Makita will lose contact with her target, and that could get her killed.

So as she pursues she fires short bursts from her pistol toward the target. She knows that the shield will stop the bullets, but every time it does so it flares with unnatural light. As long as that shield keeps strobing on and off, Makita can be confident that she won't lose the damn witch.


Re: To the west runmakitarun August 31 2007, 14:52:16 UTC
[ooc: This is where Cait comes in. Elthon, when you make your tag please include a link to the other thread where she runs toward the fight. I'm OCD about cross-linking and that will help. Feel free to have Cait run into the sorceress first. We'll work with a tentative posting order of Cait, Sorceress, Makita.]


Re: To the west cf1 September 4 2007, 01:13:35 UTC
[ Here ]

Oh, someone chasing the strangely shielded woman. From the size of the figure, Cait bets on Makita, and the shielded woman is coming towards the people who are not bulletproof.

Quick action might be a good answer. Cait rips off an as large as possible section of wall from the closest building, maybe a slab of concrete if she can find one; anyway, a LARGE heavy something is flying to intercept the sorceress.

Take that!


To the north theredstars August 31 2007, 14:42:33 UTC
Despite the sudden outburst of violence, one pair of Reds manages to get through the entire initial ambush untouched. The sorceress and her guardsman are close to solid cover and move immediately into an ordered withdrawal. The guardsman fires a few bursts into the plaza in order to try to suppress any ambushers, but he's mostly concentrating on covering his charge as they run north, mostly managing to keep cover between themselves and the plaza itself.


song_tra_bong September 4 2007, 02:37:52 UTC
Mary Anne follows at an angle, keeping behind and to the left of the pair. She uses what cover she can, but is mostly concentrating on speed at the moment.

If she can catch them, she can get them pinned down. Letting them go isn't an option.


theredstars September 4 2007, 19:33:43 UTC
The Reds draw their troops from all over what was once a massive empire. Sometimes that means that their troops are extremely well-suited to operate in a given set of terrain, but sometimes it means that troops are utterly out of place.

It's that second option this time, and it's pretty clear from the way that both the sorceress and her guardsman move through the snow that they're not used to moving through the stuff. It slows them down despite the efforts they put into speed.

The guardsman keeps shooting looks over his shoulder, looking for pursuit. His eyes widen and his mouth opens to yell a warning when his foot catches on some unseen obstruction in the snow. He has excellent balance for such a big man, so he doesn't fall down, but the brief stumble slows him and his charge down just a bit while he catches his balance.


song_tra_bong September 5 2007, 05:15:31 UTC
The stumble is enough and more than enough. Mary Anne closes the distance a little further, then opens fire. She sweeps the gun in an arc, aiming at what--for the guardsman--is mid-back height.

She doesn't slow down as she moves in, just uses her momentum to circle around them, reaching down to loosen a knife in its sheath.


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