Into the storm

Aug 06, 2007 05:32

As the last of the team files through the door Makita closes it firmly behind herself and leads the way over to the window. Down in the square below twelve people move purposefully through the snow ( Read more... )

oom, war in bahamut

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slayer_fray August 6 2007, 14:44:45 UTC

Mel feels the need for no other words, and follows Makita closely, hands free and swinging.

She might not look like she's trying to be quiet or sneaky or anything other than out for a stroll, but her movements are silent anyway. It's just instinct.


twiststheblade August 6 2007, 16:36:17 UTC
Miho doesn't feel the need for any words at all.

She swings a little away from the group - all the better to get the job done. She's not used to working with more than maybe one or two people - she's more effective on her own. Besides, she's been here before - even if she didn't come up against anything like this.

She tugs her scarf down below her mouth - she's going to need as much air as she can get, freezing cold or not. She's bare-headed, not wanting to lose any of her peripheral vision. She's just as quiet as Mel, the only noise from her the slight and inevitable crunch of snow underneath the corrugated soles of thick boots. Her face is a blank mask - but her eyes are bright. This? Is going to be fun.


3rdtimelucky August 6 2007, 20:38:40 UTC
Goldy wonders why she can't set up here. She has a clean shot at every single one of the enemies. However, she defers to Makita's strategic knowledge of the area and assumes the next location must have better vantage points. So the instructions are given a nod of understanding, and she follows along.

"Holy fuck, it's cold," she utters through teeth already gritted against the bitter wind. Suddenly Steph's mothering doesn't seem quite so annoying. She pulls out a chapstick and applies it liberally as she walks.


dead_comrade August 6 2007, 22:38:09 UTC
Add another to the more effective on their own category, although Krauser's happy to play along. He's not antisocial. It's societies he has problems with.

He's also got nothing to contribute right now besides I'm just going to follow along quietly and not give us away. Makita's world, her plan; at least, unless the situation changes.


song_tra_bong August 7 2007, 00:56:50 UTC
Mary Anne tugs her ski cap a little lower down around her ears. She shoulders her rifle, then starts checking her knives in their sheathes as she walks.

The last thing she needs is for the cold to make one of the blades stick when she really needs it.


runmakitarun August 7 2007, 01:10:07 UTC
Makita leads the way out through a glassless window frame onto the iron fire escape. "We'll need to hit them from two directions. Some of us should probably set up on a balcony overlooking the street, and the rest of us on the ground. There's some good cover near the old hotel."

She glances back over her shoulder seeing if anyone volunteers for one position or the other.


3rdtimelucky August 7 2007, 05:35:11 UTC
Goldy responds first, as her role dictates the most obvious positional choice.

"I will take a balcony." She shrugs noncommittally. "Or a rooftop, if there are any still intact."


slayer_fray August 7 2007, 15:48:48 UTC
Mel, following 'Kita closely, glances over at the others before she pulls out her skaterug from her back pocket and turns back, brandishing it like a rolled up newspaper.

"Guess who brought transport?"


twiststheblade August 7 2007, 16:26:40 UTC
Miho hasn't even contemplated the option of not being on the ground. She's not a sniper. Besides, this is the sort of terrain she works best with.

She gives Makita a look, then makes an expansive gesture with her left arm, before slipping silently off the edge of the fire escape, and scaling down the wall.

She'll circle around and hit them from the other side. Just, keep out of her way.


dead_comrade August 7 2007, 21:54:09 UTC
All right. Krauser's going to stick with the group, for now, find out what everyone else has in mind.

He does volunteer, "I can take a roof."

He likes heights.


song_tra_bong August 8 2007, 00:54:11 UTC
"Much as I like the whole 'death from above' mentality, I think I'm going to keep my feet on the ground for this one," Mary Anne says.

She tightens the rifle strap over her shoulder, then climbs down the fire escape. She follows Miho's lead initially, but splits off from her at the crumbled wall.


runmakitarun August 8 2007, 03:45:40 UTC
Makita simply tosses herself over the railing and drops to catch the metal bars of the landing below her, then drops again to land on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. It's a practiced sort of motion ( ... )


slayer_fray August 8 2007, 08:07:29 UTC
Mel shakes out her skaterug and leaps on it agiley. After spending a couple of seconds trying it against the winds, she smirks, crouches down and then shoots vertically up into the snow, disappearing entirely from view.

She'll find her friends later.


twiststheblade August 8 2007, 16:39:01 UTC
Miho nods, and takes off smoothly, her usual urban lope - as much off the ground as on it, and rarely in view for long enough for her shape to be identified as more than just another shadow. She gains the crumbled top of a wall - probably the external wall of a ruined building, but it's hard to tell in this snow - and trots lightly along it, silhouetted for a moment against the sky. Then, she drops off behind the wall, and is lost from view. She's making her way around the group of Reds, and she'll pick her moment to strike - not quite yet.


3rdtimelucky August 8 2007, 19:13:08 UTC
Bringing up the rear, Goldy descends the fire escape in a more traditional and sedate manner. She's not as agile as some of the others, and she's encumbered by a gun that is at least as bulky as a B.A.R. Once at ground level, she acknowledges Makita's further instructions with a thumbs up, then, as they move out, she tugs her scarf up over her mouth and puts on a pair of ski goggles.

The blizzard is even more unforgiving now that they are in the open. The wind bites at exposed skin with icy fangs and never lets go. Snow squalls around fiercely, as much being whipped up from the ground as is falling from the dark gray skies above. It's not quite a white-out in terms of visibility, but it's close.

While three of the group splinter off, Goldy continues to travel with Makita and Krauser, squinting around and ahead, keeping a feel for the immediate surroundings in case they are compromised before they reach their destination.


dead_comrade August 9 2007, 19:07:08 UTC
"I'll make a few places inhospitable." Krauser looks up at the rooftops, gauging visibility. "I can take a position opposite yours, fire after people start taking cover from you."

Crossfire? Fun, when you're not the one in it.

"Two shots, maybe three, and then I'll be busy herding with everyone else below." It means she'll be the only target up there, but at least he'll have helped divert counter fire first.


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