Watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica - up to ep6

Oct 02, 2012 16:09

Jotting down Theories so that I can come back later and either facepalm or feel smug.

- magical girls don't reach adulthood, because they die - that accounts for a large proportion, I think - or because the survivors evolve into witches themselves.
- the fact that Grief Seeds and Soul Gems are compatible clearly hints that magical girls and witches have a similar origin.
- on that note: I don't know when magical girls and witches started to exist, but I would bet that Kyubey deliberately appropriated the "magical girl" name so as to make it sound attractive to the girls he's trying to entice. See Madoka designing her outfit, and the cute adventures-type stuff advertised by the OP.

- yes.
- Sayakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
- please be alive at the end, Madoka's family.

Other feelings:
- this is so pretty omg.

I think my final judgment will depend on whether I feel like they're doing "everything is wretched" as a gimmick or if I feel like they're saying interesting things about the themes they're exploring.

Also, I'm sensitive to spoilers. Just in case someone who has watched it/knows more feels like commenting.

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fandom: puella magi madoka magica

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