Two little pieces

Jul 28, 2015 20:56

Author: Saya

Universe: Firestorm

Rating: E

Flavors: Flavor of the Day (accoutrement: a person’s clothing, accessories, etc; the equipment, excluding weapons and clothing, of a soldier)

Toppings/Extras: Pocky, Gummy Bunnies (prompt: Proof source: OneWord)

Wordcount: 86

Warnings: N/A

Notes: Chapter 1 of Firestorm is half finished so I have Elizabeth on the brain. It helps her voice is so clear to me (unlike some others…)

It stares at her from every corner: reproachful coats and shoes and scarves. All these trappings of a typical civilian life hiding all the darker parts of herself away from the general populace. But Elizabeth can see it: see all the evidence clinging to her like brand new Velcro, proving she is not what she pretends to be, and no amount of "normal" she applies will change it.

And for some reason which still eludes her, this bothers her far more than it should be allowed.

Author: Saya

Universe: Standalone

Rating: PG

Flavors: Red Currant #11 (eclipse)

Toppings/Extras: Pocky

Wordcount: 84

Warnings: Jealousy and implications

Notes: I wrote down Red Currant to use as prompts for my little breaks. Primarily waiting for my ride to show. So expect a lot of these little things!

Her smile is radiant; brighter than the brightest of stars. It's no surprise it becomes the central focus of every room, makes everything else seem dim and tacky in comparison. It's all he can think of, day and night, alone and not so much; this ache in his breast because he is not among the chosen few upon which that brilliant smile is bestowed. It taints and eats away at whatever peripheral satisfaction and contentment he might possess at watching her finally be happy.

[challenge] red currant, [author] saya, [topping] gummy bunnies, [extra] pocky, [challenge] flavor of the day

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