
Jul 04, 2014 12:37

Author: Amata le Fay

Title: Wanderlust

Story: Ether Lands (RP)

Flavor(s): Teaberry 16 (not all those who wander are lost)

Toppings/Extras: Pocky

Rating: PG

Word Count: 100

Notes: Not all who wander are lost. There are people like Drake Zephyrson. // I do pirates! Yay! Concrit very much welcome.

Not all who wander are lost. There are those who are searching. There are those who are fleeing. There are those who feel most at home drifting. And then there are people like Captain Drake Zephyrson.

She stands on the deck as the ship cuts through the sea, winds blowing back her dark curls and skirt and causing her gold adornments to sway. She wanders to plunder, she wanders to hurt. She's running away, no doubt about that, but she hasn't the slightest fear of getting caught for the crimes she's fleeing.

Compared to her, Captain Kid Pattersby looks kind.

[author] amata le fay, [challenge] teaberry, [extra] pocky

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