New member introduction

Jul 02, 2014 20:35

Hello, all. My name is HaywireHakaze, though in conversation I prefer my moniker shortened to "Haywire". I'm in my mid-twenties.

I'm honestly not too sure what to say about myself, other than I've been stumbling around on LJ and a few other sites trying to find a co-author to write a multi-chapter work of fiction with me. I've read the Rules and FAQs, and I think I have a good idea of how this community works. Trying to re-learn how LJ itself works might be a bit tricky for me, as I haven't been active on the general since my high-school days. I appreciate your patience in that.

At any rate, as I said, I am looking for a co-author to work with me as I restart an old premise of mine (my original co-author no longer can work with me, and she's kindly said she doesn't mind if I restart it with someone new). The story deals with sensitive subjects, so I'll post the general premise and Trigger Warnings, etc, after a cut.

The story's about Norman and Zelda (though when I rewrite it I wanna rename the characters. I got attached to them as they are, and want to start fresh).

Norman is an ex prison inmate for a white-collar crime. He's a divorcee, and a father of a young girl. Joint custody.

One day, he sees someone outside a neighbor's house and thinks it's a burglar. It turns out to be a young woman, dirty and thin and without a scrap of clothing on her body. He's embarrassed, but also realizes it's a cold night and she seems harmless, so he takes her home for food and a shower and a warm place to sleep. When he does, he learns she's mute, and as time goes on, he finds that there are a lot of very unsettling clues about her past, and who she is.

The story itself is a slow-burning romance, a hurt/comfort and angsty story, but also very WAFF (warm and fluffy feeling). It deals with past trauma, so that stuff is covered quite a bit, and can be graphic. But it's taken seriously, and the sensitive subjects are treated with respect.

It's mainly about recovery, and the love of a good person.

Trigger warnings
Trauma: Pa*doph*lia/inc*st, hab*tual ab*se and c*ndit*oning, alc*hol*sm, r*pe, prison r*pe, su*c*de

Present Day Coping: Anxiety/Panic attacks, Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia, Dependency, Nightmares/Night terrors, intimate uncertainty, shame, self-loathing, hurt/comfort, WAFF

As for my writing style, I wish I had a sample that would be appropriate to post. I tend to work in the NC-17 area. Some of my workings can be found on AdultFanfiction.Net however, under "Haywire_Hakaze".


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