Vanilla #17.

Jun 22, 2014 16:12

Author: Rainechan.
Rating: PG.
Challenge: Vanilla #17 - Stranded.
Extras/Toppings: None.
Word Count: 263 words.
Genre: Urban Fantasy.
Story: Elementals (My NaNoWriMo 2013 novel).
Summary: Idurien comes face to face with a monster.
Notes: Too important of a scene to make pocky. We get to see a tiny bit of poor Idurien's tortured past, here. And Idurien ended up learning English thanks to Mosaruun. :)


Idurien opened his eyes. He was still trapped inside of the iron maiden, as he stared at two well-placed spikes before his brown eyes.

“Hello?” the child on the outside repeated. “Are you in there?”
Idurien didn’t understand English. “Ar oo inner!” he repeated.

He heard a giggle coming from outside the iron maiden.

“What’s your name?” the other boy asked.
“Whas’oor nam!” Idurien parroted.
“I’m Mosaruun.” The boy said.

Idurien froze and opened his real eyes.

He was no longer the child trapped in the iron maiden from his past. The man was on his knees in the middle of the Iranian desert.

“Mosaruun…” he whispered, confused about his flashback, but also about how he got in the middle of the desert.

There was nothing and nobody around him in the setting sun as far as he could see. He was stranded.

The ground shook around him. The Mercenary dug his hands into the sand, though there was really nothing to grip on to.

A shadow covered him. Brown orbs slowly raised up to cast a glance at what was before him. Idurien found himself looking up at a magnificent creature: It stood on two hoofed hind legs. It’s upper body and head was that of a majestic lion. Atop its head were two large and curved ram-like horns. Its tail, which whipped back and forth, hissed like a snake. Behind the creature was a glowing circular projection of an unknown glyph. Idurien stared at the creature with wide eyes for a moment before he jumped to his feet to run.


[author] rainechan, [challenge] vanilla

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