FotD, Papaya #25 & a couple of Pockys

Apr 22, 2014 16:38

Author: Saya
Universe: Firestorm
Rating: Everyone
Flavors: Flavor of the day: frivol (to behave frivolously; trifle)
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Wordcount: 88
Warnings: N/A

"You're going to buy that? Seriously?" He asked after glancing at the price tag. "On an army pension?"

Elizabeth scoffed, tossing the scarf into the shopping cart. She bit her tongue to refrain from informing him her "army pension" included tens of thousands of dollars for "odd jobs" she'd done over the years. Buying a single scarf was hardly frivoling away her life's earnings.
"You really must be serious about her after all, huh?"
Still convinced this was all about a woman? Typical. She really needed smarter friends.

Author: Saya
Universe: Firestorm
Rating: Teen
Flavors: Papaya #25 (the last word)
Toppings/Extras: Gummy Bunnies (prompt: Someone sent a thought out and it happened source: RL Writers' Group)
Wordcount: 390
Warnings: language (Elizabeth f-bombs, sorry)
Note: Meet Elizabeth's annoying and condescending brother.

"You know it's never going to work, right?" He called after her just as she stepped over the threshold.

If she hadn't already been pissed to such an extent every step burned like fire her muscles were so tense; she would have snorted.
It figured he wasn't brave enough to make such a grandiose and insulting statement to her face. That he laid in wait until he felt secure in his victory and in her retreat. She should have seen it coming, he always had to have the last word.

Sometimes, she wondered if he shouted them after she was out of earshot. He was a cowardly bastard like that.
But with such a gauntlet tossed at her feet, and so politely and condescendingly too, how could she resist?
She hovered there, bad leg suspended over the door frame for a long moment before retracting it and placing it inside once more. "I'm shocked," she said, hand falling dramatically on her chest, rotating her shoulders just enough to see his smug face lurking behind her.
"If I had known you'd taken up sooth saying in my absence, brother dear," she continued, voice dripping in derision. "I would have gotten you a crystal ball so you could make money at what you do best."
Her foot hadn't even lifted high enough to pass the lip before he inquired "And what, pray tell, would that be, oh wise one?"
Her lips twitched in a sadistic pleasure; he could never resist, could he? She didn't bother hiding her smirk as she looked at him over her shoulder. His expectant glowering giving her a dangerous rush she'd been craving ever since she stepped off the plane.
"Manipulating people into doing what you want, of course. Oh wait, you already do. I'd forgotten you'd become a politician while I was gone."
Unable to come up with anything sufficiently snarky that wouldn't offend her parents' "delicate sensibility" she just flashed him a grating smile and exited the room with a spring in her step that belied her limp.
"You can't control it!" He shouted and his anger pleased her more than it should.
But her answer was whispered long after she'd left him; the high and the pleasure bleeding into resignation twinged with a fear she refused to admit. "You think I don't fucking know that?"
Author: Saya
Universe: Standalone (perhaps, it may get worked in someplace else)
Rating: Teen
Flavors: Pistachio #13 (a decision)
Toppings/Extras: Pocky, Gummy Bunnies (prompt: Leverage source: OneWord)
Wordcount: 48
Warnings: Hostage situation

The knife flashed in the dull candle light. The blade sharp and already wet with blood, pressed firmly against pale skin. In the darkness and the fear, gaze locked first with panic stricken eyes, then cold, harsh ones; she wondered briefly if every decision was quite so hard.

Author: Saya
Universe: Standalone
Rating: Everyone
Flavors: Pistachio #4 (theatre)
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Wordcount: 68
Warnings: Could be taken darkly I suppose...
Notes: Wrote it for a <100 word story contest and ended up submitting something else instead.

Standing there for a long moment, silent, still
The curtain down, applause ringing in her ears
The approbation for what she'd strived to achieve
Welling inside, fixing something unknowingly broken
Shadows of doubt banished by bright stage lights
Staunching the blood flow of a wound long forgotten
Her tears and her smile were for an empty theater
But her thanks were for the souls that had healed her

[author] saya, [topping] gummy bunnies, [challenge] papaya, [extra] pocky, [challenge] pistachio, [challenge] flavor of the day

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