Title: Longing
Author: skybirdday
Challenge: Chocolate #6 grace/Mango #3 wait for me
Summary: An exchange of letters between Athena and Daisuke; sent after the Eastern Arc
Dearest one,
It is good to hear from you. Has it only been two months
since our fingertips met over that wine bottle? I have thought of
only you since then. My duties keep me busy as I am sure yours are.
I was wondering how you had the ability to meet Isamu. The king must
have trusted your family well. Please write me when you can.
Dear Daisuke,
Ask King Isamu about the circumstances about our meeting. I have
given him permission to share it with you since I have written him a letter.
He will tell you all. My king too knows the truth.
Dear beloved,
Several months ago, I did as you asked. I told Isamu about our letters
and he told me about you and your secrets. I understand why you had to. And to
think that lately I have been feeling unworthy of you. Write me back
My beloved Daisuke,
May I call you that? You are quite understanding of my situation. You are not
unworthy of me by any means. You the most kind and handsome man. It is
I who feel unworthy of you with my secret. Isamu and King James understand my
position. I perform my duties here as usual however a sickness has plagued the
kingdom of late. A few are ill and one has died but they were old and had lived
a good life. Still there have been tales in the past of illness that consume whole
villages. I hope that your kingdom does not get this. Wracking coughs, weakness,
and they waste away. Take care.
Of course you may call me that. It warms my heart for you to call me that.
All of you must take care of yourselves. I worry for you. Any serious disease
is to be watched and be careful. Take care.
My beloved Daisuke,
I will. I have seen many of my family succumb to diseases and they have
died. I do not wish to die any sooner than the One has planned. I will take care
of myself.
I believe the One smiles upon us. In a few months, I might have time from
my duties to visit you, Will it be all right? I cannot wait to gazs upon upon
your graceful beauty. I shall be awaiting the days until I can see you again.
It will be all right if you visit. I have asked King James. He asked me
what we would be doing when you are here. I told him that we wsould be talking,
strolling along the grounds, sparring, and kissing. At that last part, he screwed
up his face like that had been the most disgusting thing in the world. To be fair,
he is only an eleven year old boy, a child taking on a man's role. But he is a
honest and wise king so far for his years and hopefully for many more years to come.
I too await the days when you can be near to me. Until then
King James might be an eleven year old boy, but he did not have to be a
king. He could have stepped aside and be like any other boy. Instead he chose to
be a king to continue his father's legacy. Just like my sister and I are doing.
Right now Hana and Isamu are trying to start a family and I have found you, I
hope the future will be bright for everyone. I shall see you in three months.
This a handful of letters between Daisuke and Athena. What did you think?