Marmalade #2, Chocolate Chip #24

Aug 08, 2012 23:54

Author: Blossomdreams
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Marmalade #2 (monitor), Chocolate Chip #24 (concentration)
Story Arc: Fixed Dreams
Title: Memories
Toppings: banana
Summary: Miko makes a dent in a scrapbook she started and wants to show it with her friends.
Word count: 207
Notes: So I wanted to do banana, but I can't draw. Then I thought about the scrapbook pages I saw from various members and decided to do one! Pleasant Surprise will have one soon, but I'll do a family tree for that. Okay hope I did it right. Enjoy!

Rumiko smiled at the monitor as she clicked the save button. She got out of her chair and stretched as she walked out the room.

“I finally put the pictures in the book. I have to add some more, but I’m happy with what I have.” Miko smiled.

Minako, Tsuki, Kazu, Kaori, and Takahashi looked up at her in surprise.

“That’s good. Are you finished with it?” Mina asked.

“Not yet, but I think I have good start.” Miko said.

“Can we see it?” Tsuki asked.

“Of course! I want you to, come on.” Miko turned back to her room as everyone got up to follow.

“I’m impressed this is very good.” Kaori said.

“Is this why you didn’t join us last weekend?” Mina asked.

“Yeah I didn’t want to mess up my concentration. You know how I get when I start a project.” Miko smiled.

“I can’t believe you put that picture in there.” Tsuki said with a light flush.

“I like that photo. You’re so cute in it.” Kazu grinned.

“Thank you.” Tsuki whispered.

Kazu smiled and kissed her cheek.

“I really like it. Can we see it again?” Taka said.

“Sure, let me start it from the beginning.” Miko reached over and clicked start.

[challenge] chocolate chip, [author] blossomdreams, [extra] banana, [challenge] marmalade

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