Author: Kalei
Story: Of Earth and Man
Title: I Need A Breather
Prompts: Pistachio #26 (taking a break) ; Apple Pie #4 (heritage)
Extras: Pocky
Rating: G
Summary: The one thing that makes Tara feel most alive.
Notes: A late realization - it’s hard to start a canon with Apple Pie prompts (for a dryad story, anyways!) :| Decided to do a pocky to give my brain a little work-out. Maybe this could work out...
“y = (2x + 5) / (x - 1)”
I blink at my homework. In this impossible heat, I can hardly think rationally, much less graph a rational function.
Bolting from my desk, I rush out of the house and into the forest. The ground beneath my bare feet is moist with dew, the evening breeze cool on my face. It doesn’t get any better than this!
As I stop under a sycamore tree to catch my breath, I remember my mother and her tree. How can one stay in the same place forever?
Running does not run in the blood.