FotD: beguile, PawPaw #10, Vanilla Custard #26 + fresh peaches + gummy bunnies

Jul 18, 2012 12:23

Story: The Age of Heroes
Title: Naughty Boy
Prompts: FotD: Beguile (to influence by trickery, flattery, etc: mislead, delude), PawPaw #10: don't bet on it, Vanilla Custard #26: Yeah well, you know...boyfriends. Sometimes you need the element of surprise., fresh peaches (Surprises continue through the evening when Mars opposes Uranus.) + gummy bunnies (500themes #50: betrayal)
Rating: PG13 for sexy talk, implied violence
Words: 695
Characters: Lorikeet, Anthony Singleton
Summary: More Lorikeet on the job. She's sexy, intelligent, and very dangerous. I gotta figure out what I'm going to call the unlucky schmucks in this universe. XD

Anthony grabbed her ass and squeezed hard. "Hurry up," he commanded, pushing her forward down the hotel hall.

Her nervous giggle said everything he wanted to hear. She was still a little hesitant about being controlled by such a sexually dominant man, but Anthony could also hear her excitement. God, he loved breaking in a new girl.

They made it to his hotel suite. He halted her with a solid hand around the back of her neck. He turned her around and pressed her against the door. "When we get inside I'm going to make you scream," he promised her.

She looked up at him and bit her lip enticingly. "Oh, I doubt I'll be the one that screams tonight, sugar," she cooed.

Anthony barely registered what she had said before her expression changed, her devastatingly beautiful eyes shifting from hesitant desire to powerful predator in a split second.

She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and stepped backwards through the door, dragging him into the room with her. The woman slammed Anthony up against the door, now solid again, pulled a knife from somewhere and jabbed it through his forehead to the hilt. He screamed but her hand was pressed punishingly hard against his mouth, muffling the noise.

After a second the woman's voice penetrated the haze of fear, her voice tinged with amusement. "Open your eyes, sugar. You're not dead yet."

Anthony did as she said and was surprised to see she was right. He looked up and felt the blood drain from his face. The knife was smack in the middle of his forehead. He made to move, a kneejerk reaction, but her nails dug into his jaw in warning.

"If I let go of this knife for even a fraction of a second, it will slice your frontal cortex down the middle," she said calmly. "Do yourself a favor, sugar. Don't struggle. Don't talk. Just listen. Got it?"

There was a long moment of silence while she looked at him expectantly. When he didn't do anything except tremble she smiled and patted his arm. "What an obedient boy you are. Now, as you may have figured out, I'm not an accountant. I'm not from Topeka. And my name isn't Lori. My name is Lorikeet. Like the bird."

It took a moment for the dots to connect but Lorikeet smiled as she saw the light bulb flicker on behind his eyes. "That's right, I'm a cleric of the order that you've recently been very rude to."

She tsked and wrapped her free hand around the end of his tie. She jerked it and he whimpered as he felt the silk slide through the skin of his neck and fall into her hand. She draped it over her shoulder then grabbed the front of his shirt and walked forward. Anthony expected to go through the door again but this time they didn't go through or even get stopped. This time Lorikeet walked up the door, leading Anthony up the height of the wall and then they both walked onto the ceiling. They were oblivious to gravity, their hair and clothes staying in place, the tie she'd thrown so casually over her shoulder not showing the slightest inclination to fall to the floor below them. She pushed him into the ceiling and he felt his feet slide through the plaster until he was eye level with her.

"Anthony Eric Singleton, you are a naughty boy. You disrespected my god. You stole from my Aviary. And you squeezed my ass like it was a dog toy." Lorikeet pulled the knife out of his forehead and let go of him. He yelled in fright, staring down at the floor, but he didn't fall. His feet were stuck in the ceiling up to his ankles, leaving him hanging upside down, his suit coat finally falling down over his head.

Lorikeet dropped, flipping mid air to land gracefully on her Manolo Blahniks. She stuffed the tie into Anthony's mouth as he opened it to cry for help, then ran the flat edge of her knife down his cheek in a mockery of a caress.

"Now let's see how loud a naughty boy like you can scream, shall we sugar?"

[challenge] vanilla custard, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [topping] gummy bunnies, [extra] fresh fruit : peaches, [challenge] pawpaw, [challenge] flavor of the day

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