Pickle 3, Blue Raspberry 27, Watermelon 25

Feb 11, 2012 20:46

Author: Casey
Story: Nothing is Ever Easy universe, Post NIEE
Challenges: Pickle 3 (and baby makes 3 - My Treat: Dean and Carrie realize #3 is on the way), Watermelon 25 (here we go again) & Blue Raspberry 27 (a hint)
Toppings & Extras: Caramel, Milkshake (Carrie)
Word Count: 810
Rating: PG
Summary: Carrie has some news.
Notes: More My Treat and babies!

Carrie pushed open the door, not at all surprised to find Dean sitting in the girls’ room. After Kaylee’s birth, they’d converted his old room into a nursery. Now, two and a half years later, Kaylee’s bed was tucked in one corner while ten-month-old Nora’s crib stood in the other. Dean sat on the far side in the rocking chair Sorin had made, rocking Kaylee, who was out cold on his shoulder. Dean himself had his eyes closed, humming quietly as they rocked.

“Dean,” she whispered.

His eyes opened and he smiled blissfully at her. He’d only gotten back from a mission two days prior as easily evidenced by the swollen black eye that peaked around their daughter’s head. “Hey.”

Carrie felt a smile of her own appear unbidden. “Can we talk for a minute?”

He stood carefully, a little bit of worry creeping into his gaze. “Sure.”

She waited patiently as he carefully set their eldest down on her bed and pulled the covers up, tucking her in. Kaylee sighed, curling up in a little ball as she settled back down. Dean leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “Night, peanut,” he murmured and then joined Carrie at the door, looking at her expectantly.

“C’mon, let’s go to our room,” she said.

The worry grew but he obligingly followed her next door without a word, sitting down on the couch when she gestured. “Care…?”

As soon as she sat, she spoke. “I’m almost two weeks late.”

“You’re…” Understanding broke across his face.

“Fairly certain, yeah, considering I’m rarely late. I’d noticed right before you left but decided not to say anything until you got home.” How she’d regretted that decision when he had ended coming home a full two days late after having suffered a nice beating. She spent two days caught in gut-wrenching fear that he wasn’t coming back. Thankfully, he’d proven her wrong.

He sat forward and hugged her, as usual seeming to read her thoughts. “Well, it’s sooner then we’d planned, but Nora’ll be almost two by then. That’s doable, right? I mean, Kaylee and Nora are closer than that.”

She laughed into his shoulder, shifting slightly to kiss him on the cheek as she let herself finally relax. “That’s so typical of you. Always looking on the bright side.”

“Hey, now, I don’t have any reason not to. Our girls are the best things ever and this kid will be too.”

“You bet they will be,” she said, sitting back and grinning at him. “They get the awesome genes from both sides of the family, after all.”

“Exactly!” That blissfully happy look was back in full force. “You had me scared it was something serious.”

“Having another kid is serious, you idiot,” she chuckled.

“A good kind of serious. The kind of serious I like to deal with,” he said.

Carrie sobered slightly, running a thumb along the edge of his bruised eye. They didn’t talk about the threat of their job versus their kids, although they didn’t go on missions together as much as they had before Kaylee, but for a moment, she wanted to. Then the urge passed. She wouldn’t create guilt there. They knew the risks, but they also knew their jobs kept the world safe for the girls.

He smiled crookedly at her, placing his hand gently over hers, letting her continue the motion. “I’m already a lot better,” he said lightly.

She rolled her eyes and deliberately poked him in the chest.

Dean winced, shoving her hand away. “Not cool.”

“They broke your ribs, Dean.”

“They’ll heal.”

She shot him an exasperated look.

“They will!” he said and smiled easily. “We both know that from personal experience by now.” He leaned forward and kissed her slowly, letting it linger, before pulling back as she relaxed. Sometimes, she hated that he had that effect on her, but most of the time, she found she was unable to complain. “We should start looking at places in town. I know Dad wouldn’t mind having us here even with a third child, but it already feels a little cramped as is with Nora just crawling. Add into that when Paul or Colin and Maggie are here and the place’ll be completely mad.”

She held a finger to his lips to stop him, smiling. “I agree,” she said simply. “Mom will probably know what might be available in town and we’ve got some time to find a place. Sorin would never kick us out.”

Dean chuckled. “No, he’s more likely to kick and scream and try and keep us here.”

Carrie fought her amusement. “I can’t see your dad doing anything of the kind.”

“Anything’s possible,” he said, kissing her on the cheek, entwining their fingers. “Do we have to wait nine months?”

She burst out laughing. “Oh, Dean.”

[challenge] blue raspberry, [topping] caramel, [challenge] pickle, [author] casey, [extra] milkshake, [challenge] watermelon

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