secret santa

Jan 17, 2012 18:25

Author: Nathalia
Rating: PG
Candy Bar Crunch #2 - saving face
Eggnog #10 - grab bag / Secret Santa
Extras / Toppings: gummy bunnies (15_minute_fic word #3: present)
Word Count: 694
Story: Misfits
Summary: Vincent gets an unexpected Christmas present he doesn’t entirely appreciate.
Notes: I had my Structure and History of English (there’s been no history so far) midterm in December and that might have influenced the story a tiny bit. I’ve been wanting to write this ever since.

Vincent was the last one to unwrap his Secret Santa gift.

“What exactly is the point of it being secret when I can tell by the wrapping paper who got me this?” He asked, weighing the rectangle object in his hands.

“I’m sorry, but unlike you I have a job and can’t run out while tending shop to go buy decent wrapping paper,” Steph rolled her eyes dramatically. “Besides, this is still pretty good.”

She had used the green paper she wrapped bouquets in for customers.

“But you can just gather all your friends in the back of the shop for some Secret Santa-ing?” Janna teased, refilling her glass with eggnog.

“Everyone has to have fun sometime,” Steph shrugged. “And I’m still there if anyone comes in and needs flowers or anything else. I’m not drinking or anything.”

“What the hell is this?” Vincent drew the attention back to himself. He had unwrapped the gift carefully and the paper was barely damaged. He was now holding a blue and white softcover book in his hands. “A Course In Phonetics by Peter Ladefoget?”

“It’s for your awesome phonology class,” Steph explained. “I know it says phonetics but really, it’s phonetics. I checked with your teacher and apparently, she really likes this guy? It’s so that you can prepare for your finals. I think it says on the first page that phonology isn’t the study of oldtimey phones in case you still haven’t figured that out.”

“Why would phonology be the study of oldtimey phones? Jack asked and but Janna was already laughing´. Vincent on the other hand looked quite disappointed.

“You’ll never let me live that one down, will you?”

“Hell no,” Steph and Janna said almost unanimously.

“I have no idea what’s going on,” Jack reminded the girls.

“Oh, this is because Vince is stupid,” Steph explained. “Back when he was making his schedule for this semester, he decided to do this class about phonology because the crazy cowboy who comes over every now and then told him it was the study of oldtimey phones.”

“When you say the crazy cowboy, you mean Wes Janson, don’t you?” Jack asked, worried and received nods all around. “Why would anyone who’s had a five minute conversation with that man still believe a word he says, let alone his explanations for anything that has to do with learning.”

“Because I really, really would have wanted to take a class on oldtimey phones,” Vincent pouted. “And it doesn’t sound all that off when you think about it. It has the word ‘phone’ in it!”

“But wouldn’t you have figured out it’s not about phones in the first class?”

“I was in the first lecture with him and it was all about those weird-looking letters in square brackets and how to write them and I kept telling Vince that this has nothing to do with phones but he refused to believe me and kept telling me that I’d just have to wait and then it would become really obvious that they were important to the study of old phones,” Janna explained, unable to hide a wide grin.

“Well you could have warned me about it before!” Vincent called out.

“We did,” Steph reminded him. “So often that it got almost ridiculous. We read you the Wikipedia definition of phonology and you told us it was wrong.”

“Well, I had to hold out hope in some way!” He cried out. “Do you know how weird this class is. It’s like they are making me learn a completely new language with --” He started to count on his fingers -- “with at least five different ways to write the letter a!”

“We told you,” Janna chanted.

“We really did.”

“You didn’t put enough effort into stopping me and now I have to take this final.”

“The way I see it. you’re just stupid.” Jack told Vincent. “I mean, seriously, why would there be a class on phones? Especially old ones? And why would you want to take it anyway?”

Vincent opened and closed his mouth several times but didn’t manage to come up with a coherent sentence.

“That’s what I figured.”

Not a fan of Ladefoget but I was too lazy to look up what the name of the guy I like is.

[author] nathalia, [topping] gummy bunnies, [challenge] candy bar crunch, [challenge] eggnog

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