Cheesecake 19, Pineapple 13, Pomegranate 21

Sep 10, 2011 14:28

Author: Casey
Story: Nothing is Ever Easy universe, During NIEE
Challenges: Cheesecake 19 (The Rhine gives its gold to the sea - My Treat: The Freedom Fighters hope for better days), Pineapple 13 (allow me to introduce myself), Pomegranate 21 (working late)
Toppings & Extras: Pocky Chain, Sprinkles, Malt (Trick or Treat: You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something, BTS Challenge: Mick, Jess: Some days I feel like my shadow's casting me)
Word Count: 700
Rating: PG
Summary: Something needed to happen soon.
Notes: Takes place the day leading up to the attack on the dukes and is thus about two weeks before Jez’s arrival at the Freedom Fighters’ camp at the beginning of NIEE. A sorta intro to the Freedom Fighter crew (minus Jez, obv, and Jay who joins later). This was going to be series of vignettes but took on a bit of mild plot. Oops, now done with Pineapple - apparently this piece snuck past me. My bad!

Mick stood silently in the doorway, watching Beau work. The candle next to the young captain had burned to almost nothing, but Beau did not seem to notice. He could not blame Beau for his late nights - Mick himself found it hard to sleep.

Things were happening on the outside and here, snug in their small rocky home, they were uncomfortably ignorant. Things were too quiet and Mick strongly suspected that bad things were coming. Bad things that would change the course of Tira’s history once and for all.

The question now became: would they be ready for the changes?


Beau scribbled on the paper in front of him. He knew morale was at an all-time low, but was not sure how to fix it. Finally he looked up. “Can you go find Brighton?”

“Why?” Mick asked, face twisting.

“Because if anyone can boost morale, it’s him. I know it’s late, but I want to talk to him.”

His second-in-command heaved a sigh. “If you insist,” he said and vanished.

Beau slumped back in his chair, rubbing his eyes. A mindless morale boost would only work so long. They badly needed a sign that their work here was worth it.


Jess ran a hand through her hair, sitting hunched over at one of the tables.

“Why the long face?”

She looked up. “Hey, Bri. Just…” she shrugged, not sure she could put her thoughts into words.

“Look at it this way,” he said, sitting down across from her. “You know what they always say, right? It has to get worse before it gets better.”

“Or how about ‘it’s the calm before the storm’?” she asked, slightly amused.

“That works too. And the darkest hour is the one before dawn.”

Jess laughed. “You’re an idiot. Thank you.”

He bowed. “You’re welcome!”


“Oh good, you’re still awake.”

Jess and Bri looked up as Mick entered and Bri felt a tiny bit of foreboding, wondering why in the world the second-in-command would be looking for him, because it had to be him.


“The captain wants to talk to you.”

“It wasn’t me,” Bri said instantly.

Mick didn’t even crack a smile. “You might as well come too,” he added to Jess, turning and heading back towards Beau’s office.

“Guess we’re not the only ones feeling like this is useless,” Jess muttered.

Bri had to agree, following, curious why Captain Beau wanted him.


Iris watched her small class filtered in. For some reason, the kids were more distracted than usual. She looked between them. “Okay, what’s wrong?”

The younger kids squirmed and most of them snuck glances at Rylia, who kept her gaze securely on her board.

“Rylia Schid.”

“Didn’t do anything. We were wondering if anything was going to happen ever. I mean, what’s the point when we’ve got nothing to fight?”

“If the captain is certain that something will happen, then we must be sure as well. Now, back to your lessons.”

They groaned, as usual, but got back to work.


Rylia was not about to accept that as an answer and doodled instead of doing her work. Why did she need schooling anyway if she was probably going to die when things started to happen? She was just about to get up and walk out, screw Iris, when something interesting finally happened, if not what she expected.

Brighton Dall burst into the room and beamed at the assembled children. “School’s canceled today.”

He was answered with cheers from the younger kids but the older ones glanced between him and Iris.

“What is the meaning of this?” Iris demanded.

Bri grinned.

Mick had to admit that Brighton was nothing if not effective. He organized a whole day of sports and activities in about twelve hours that kept everyone happy and involved. He noticed a messenger appear late that afternoon and pull Beau aside. He knew Beau would tell him in good time. For now, he felt it better to keep an eye on the festivities and make sure Brighton did not go overboard.

Beau finally appeared at his elbow. “It’s happened.”

“What?” Mick asked, taking in his combination of excitement and nerves.

“An attack. Four dukes dead.”

The changes were here.

[topping] sprinkles, [challenge] cheesecake, [challenge] pineapple, [extra] malt, [extra] pocky chain, [challenge] pomegranate, [author] casey

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