Author: Casey
Taking Root (sidestory)
Challenge: Butter Rum 10 (swashbuckling), Pineapple 17 (don’t do anything I wouldn’t do), Pomegranate 3 (transformation)
Toppings/Extras: Caramel, Chopped Nuts (unfortunately, Dean and Resh’s lives are separated by at least a hundred years, plus TR’verse), Pocky Chain, Gummy Bunnies (Origfic Bingo: friend in need)
Word Count: 1000
Rating: PG for content and PG-13 for language
Summary: Resh’s Ten Rules on How to Be ‘Awesome’ (real word below)
Notes: So, usually Resh and Dean would be about even for ability to kick some rear. However, poor Dean in TR is a little lacking, so, of course, he goes to Resh for help. Part 2 for 7/28. I apologize for not having been around much! I've been out of town a lot and trying to prepare for a new job (and sorta move) in the near future. I'll try and be better in August :)
“You sure about this?”
“Absolutely,” Dean said stoutly.
Resh eyed him, taking in his thin frame, lack of muscles, tousled hair and sheer determination. “All right. Welcome to Resh Solaris’s camp of How to Be a Badass.”
Nic snickered from her spot flopped back in the hammock in their backyard. “Damn, knew I shoulda brought popcorn.”
“Shush,” her brother said and then lifted his chin. “First Rule. Hide your fear.”
“Depends. Anger works really well to cover it. Also, false bravado will cause most people to back down.”
Dean wrinkled his nose.
“Not like that! Sheesh, at least try!”
“Rule Number Two.”
“This should be special.”
“Nicole, seriously, shut up.”
“What’s Rule Number Two?”
“Know when to stand your ground.”
“That’s surprisingly intelligent.”
“Nicole, I swear to god!”
“Does that include running away?” Dean asked dryly, earning a snicker from Nic and a thoughtful look from Resh.
“Um, well, yes, it can. If you are facing overwhelming odds, discretion is always the better part of valor. If they kick the shit out of you, you’re kinda screwed, so try and avoid that.”
“That’s usually my plan. What if they surround me?”
“Hit the weakest link and then run fast.”
“Got it. Run away. Now what?”
“Rule Number Three.”
Dean and Nic exchanged an eyeroll. “Figured. And that is?”
“How to form a fist. How would you do it?”
Dean held up a hand with his thumb tucked inside his other fingers.
“Wrong!” Resh said, tugging his thumb out. “You’re pretty much guaranteed to break your thumb doing that. Keep it outside. Now punch my hand,” he said, holding it up.
Dean did so and Resh gave him a look. “How about with a bit of power?”
“I don’t want to hurt you!” Dean said, affronted.
“Please do!” Nic said.
“What’s the best way to get power behind it?”
“Number Four,” Dean and Nicole chorused.
“Yes, that,” Resh said, unconcerned. “Put your body behind it. Step into the punch and that’ll give your whole body the needed power. Try it.”
Dean formed a fist, stepped back and then put as much of his body behind it as possible. This time, Resh backed his hand up, taking the sting out of the blow. “Damn, Dean!” he said with a wide grin. “That was great!”
He shook out his hand. “Yes! There was some real power there, you little shit.”
“If you two are done arguing about whether or not ‘you little shit’ is a compliment, we can move on to Rule Five.”
“Okay, Master Resh, what’s five?”
“Attitude is key.”
“Isn’t that like showing no fear?”
“Nic, when I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.”
“Look, Dean, it’s this simple. If you think you’re enough of a badass, others will think you’re enough of a badass.” He reached over and tapped the other boy on the temple. “It’s all up here.”
Dean frowned. “But I’m not a badass.”
“From now on, you are, no matter what, understand?”
“I’m not sure I’m cut-.”
“Rule Six,” Resh said, loudly overriding him among fresh snickers from Nicole. “Rule Six is that Resh is Always Right.”
“Excuse me?” Dean said as Nicole fell right off the hammock as she howled with laughter.
“You came to me for advice, so now you have to take it. And that means I’m always right,” Resh said calmly, as if the logic made any sense. “Dean, the real secret to being a badass is knowing that you’re just as good if not better than the asshole trying to pick on you. That’s all that matters.”
“How many Rules are there?”
“That is for me to know and you to find out.”
“That means he has no idea and is pulling it out of his ass,” Nic put in.
“I’d guessed that by now,” Dean said, amused.
“If you want to give up…”
“Seven?” he prompted.
“Rule Seven is fight dirty.”
“Fight dirty?”
“Yup, use anything you’ve got at your disposal to beat your opponent, especially against greater number of opponents. Book bag works, fists, elbows, knees, etc. Anything goes.”
“Won’t they just do that back?”
“Then you harken back to Rule One and run away.”
“Eight is Practice, Practice, Practice.”
“Because that rule hasn’t been incredibly overused throughout history,” Nicole said, amused.
This time, Resh managed to not make a face. “It’s overused because it’s true. It’s generally really hard to get better at something without practicing. So, my point is that you can practice with me or Nic anytime, Dean. Kenz isn’t too bad herself.”
Dean grinned. “What happens when I get better than you?”
“Dream on, kid,” Resh said, laughing. “If you do, I’ll personally kiss your feet, but you’ve got a long way to go.”
“Consider that witnessed!” Nic said.
“Oh fine.”
“Let’s see, we’re on Number Nine.” Resh paused for a minute, thinking.
“Oh my god, have we finally stumped him, Dean?”
“Sounds like we might have.”
“You two think you’re hilarious. Nine is made up of two important things to remember when in an actual fight. First, always breathe. Second, good balance.”
“Why are we combining those?”
“Because they both just occurred to me.”
Resh stepped around behind Dean and helped him set his balance then he gave him a shove. Dean rocked but didn’t fall over.
The pride that spread across Dean’s face made it all worth it.
“Our final rule for the day is Number Ten: Be Yourself.”
Dean blinked, frowning. “That’s kinda at odds with all the others you’ve taught me today. The point is I’m not a badass, so I’m learning how to pretend to be one or at least act like one.”
“No, what you’re learning is how to embody and bring out your tougher side. It doesn’t need to take over, but when you need it, it will be there for you and suddenly you’ll surprise yourself with just how awesome you are. And, Dean? You’re already most of the way there, okay?”