Strawberry comic

May 27, 2011 20:38

Author: Marina
Story: Shifts universe
Challenge: Strawberry 17 (buttons)
Toppings/Extras: Caramel, Sprinkles, Malt (pfah - buttons : Eleazar : Don't touch tha--!), Root Beer Float
Rating: G
Summary: Eleazar's first day of student teaching
Notes: For Comic Weekend! This is inspired 1) by a comment Shayna left me on this piece a year ago, and 2) by a comment more than one person has facetiously made to me over the course of my teaching observation this past year (which is neither amusing nor helpful, especially on difficult days). Also peripherally inspired by bookblather's Aaron and two things Casey wrote about Mariah. :D

[author] marina, [topping] sprinkles, [extra] root beer float, [extra] malt, [topping] caramel, [challenge] strawberry

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