rhubarb and chocolate chip mint with root beer float and a cherry

Dec 04, 2010 22:35

Story: Timeless { backstory | index }

Title: Night Shifts

Rating: G/PG

Challenge: Rhubarb ‘My Treat’ #4: with friends like these, who needs enemies? (Adam is naive), Chocolate Chip Mint #30: innocent

Toppings/Extras: cherry, root beer float

Wordcount: 489

Summary: Miss Merritt is manipulative. Adam Kirby is naive.

Notes: So, we did discourse analysis as a module in English Language last year and I just found one of the old scripts. It’s about unedited, unprompted, raw spoken language and of course that would never work for novels, but I found the module really interesting. Films and novels are very removed from the reality of discourse, so have a load of blabber! The format is very weird but you get used to it after about five billion discourse scripts...

(.) indicates a short pause

(1) indicates a pause of one second

(2) a pause of two seconds, etc

ADAM: So er so there’s this sort of (.) of continuum in the

ADELE: Yeah I don’t actually care (3) can you just get it done please

ADAM: Well er

ADELE: Look (.) it’s Newson’s orders (.) I’m only here to pass on the message you know


ADELE: Well that means complaining at me doesn’t actually like work

ADAM: Yes yeah but (2) it’s actually er phys er physically impossible

ADELE: Are you kidding me


ADELE: Oh my God (5) haven’t you done physically impossible things before (2) what about the time you

ADAM: Well sort of erm but er only by (.) by accident

ADELE: OK what (.) what is wrong with this time machine seriously

ADAM: I don’t really I don’t really know

ADELE: (sigh)

ADAM: Well I’ve been trying to fix it and and it’s er getting better but well er

ADELE: Is it going to be ready for (.) next week he wants

ADAM: Maybe

ADELE: You’re going to be coming in every day until it’s done

ADAM: Oh but (2) my sister’s getting married

ADELE: (7) And

ADAM: Well er er I sort of well I

ADELE: Kirby

ADAM: Erm well she’s


ADAM: Two is it two yeah (3) two days

ADELE: Right (5) hmm (2) well isn’t this a conundrum

ADAM: Well I’ve already er I mean the (.) I’ve already taken the time off

ADELE: Newson’s going to kick my ass (1) no wait (.) no he’ll want you in every day

ADAM: Oh (3) are you (.) are you sure

ADELE: Yeah (2) am I ever wrong about these things

ADAM: But my

ADELE: Look Kirby (.) I have an idea (2) you work at this all of tonight (.) and all of tomorrow night (2) and maybe it’ll be done by then hmm

ADAM: But isn’t er isn’t (1) aren’t the labs closed at night

ADELE: I can get them opened don’t worry (2) just do your job

ADAM: And then I er

ADELE: Then maybe you can go to the wedding yes

ADAM: Oh um well thank er (.) thanks I really

ADELE: Yeah yeah (3) don’t let it happen again though

ADAM: What (2) don’t let my sister get married again

ADELE: No you total (4) no (1) I mean don’t let the machine screw up again

ADAM: Oh right er it sort it (.) it sort of does what it wants to do it’s a bit (.) finicky

ADELE: Ugh you’re meant to be (.) in control (.) remember

ADAM: Yes well er er well

ADELE: So you are coming in tonight yeah


ADELE: And tomorrow night

ADAM: Er yes (.) and then I can go to the

ADELE: Then yes you (1) yes

ADAM: Oh well wow thanks thanks I (.) well I wouldn’t want to miss it

ADELE: Kir (.) Adam (2) what else are friends for

[extra] root beer float, [challenge] chocolate chip mint, [inactive-author] ninablues, [challenge] rhubarb, [topping] cherry

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