Title: Hope Main Story: In The Heart Flavors, Toppings, Extras: Creamsicle 3 (hope), rainbow sprinkles (Clara), pocky. Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Summary: Clara goes back to school.
Well, not on her own exactly; she has her father and her brother doing their best to support her (like she supports them as best she can). But yeah, she's trying to move on without forgetting, precisely, and I'm glad that came across.
(oh, you think this is heartwrenching? Wait 'til I write the story where her mother actually dies.)
It was really, really hard on her, and she still hasn't really recovered from it, but then how do you? She's just trying to move on without forgetting.
All of it has a lot of impact, especially the final line. The train of Clara's thoughts are uber realistic and you get a lot of emotion into 100 words, which I wish I could manage! Wonderful writing, poor Clara.
I want to give Clara so many hugs. :( Going on after the death of a loved one is rough, but I'm sure she'll make it. Hopefully going back to class will help her with that and not be too stressful.
So I'm guessing she put her education on hold for a semester or so to be with her family? That makes sense.
Yeah, she took a leave of absence in the fall semester of her sophomore year, when it became obvious that her mother was really dying. The school was understanding. And going back to school does help her, a lot, because it reminds her that there are things she can fix and help.
Comments 11
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(oh, you think this is heartwrenching? Wait 'til I write the story where her mother actually dies.)
Nice job!
Thank you very much!
Thank you for reading!
So I'm guessing she put her education on hold for a semester or so to be with her family? That makes sense.
Thank you for reading!
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