(no subject)

Sep 29, 2010 02:15

Author: Aublivienne
Story: Singularity Syndrome
Challenge: Grapefruit #10 (over the hill)
Rating: R (just to be safe)
Wordcount: 1264
Summary: Pre-story. Kash and Carmine try being a 'normal' couple for a night.
Notes: This is NOT the flavor binge I set out to finish this morning. Enjoy EVEN MORE random sidestory. :p
Little Known Fact: That fragrance actually exists and while I doubt that it would be around about seven hundred years from now, I have a feeling that Carmine would be all kinds of into it. (plus I really want a bottle :D)

Perfectly washed and fauxhawked hair (as usual): check.

New shoes (they weren't his boots, they felt funny, they looked dumb, they were these weird sneaker things and the girl at the store said that teenagers in the twenty-first century wore them with tight pants and that they were coming back into style for like the jillionth time): check.

That wretched-er, interesting cologne that Carmine really liked (Carmine swore it smelled like smoldering maple leaves, but all Kashmir got was jet fuel and cheap syrup and burnt cat hair): check.

Kashmir had never been on a date before. He thought the entire concept was completely idiotic: oh, let's get together and spend inordinate amounts of money to stare at each other and feel really awkward all night! How fun!

So then why was he the one who had originally suggested it?

This is stupid. This is so stupid. Carmine was probably waiting at the restaurant thinking the same thing, and the two of them were going to end up going back to the ship and spending a quiet night making out in front of the television like normal.

Kashmir turned a corner and ran straight into someone tall. “Oh jeez, I'm-oh, gods.”

Carmine chuckled and grabbed his date's shoulder to keep him from falling. “That would suffice if I were multiple people, yes.”

He would have been unrecognizable if it weren't for his left eye. He had ditched his usual leather in favor of a pair of pants and a loose button-up shirt (which, of course, he had only buttoned up about halfway). His hair was tied back, exposing the tattoo on the back of his neck.

“What with these?” Kashmir asked, touching Carmine's gold-rimmed glasses. “You don't need glasses.”

“It's part of the look, okay?”

“You look like a dork.”

“You look...cute.”

Kashmir blinked, caught off guard. “Let's just go eat,” he said, grabbing Carmine's hand and dragging him inside.

It was a quaint little cafe, with candlelit tables and tiny cups of tea and vases with flowers and all of those other things one sees when visiting a small, romantic restaurant.

“I'm going to fucking hurl,” Carmine whispered as the two of them sat in a cozy booth. “We don't do this. We hurt people and wreck shit and suck each other off for the enjoyment of others in seedy bars.”

“That was only once.”

“Well, yeah, but that's what we do. We don't buy each other flowers and make up cutesy little pet names. Unless Bitchfuck counts.”

Kashmir nodded. ”Or Dumbshit.”

“Or Sweetass.”

“Or Slutbag.”

“I'm getting turned on.”

“Okay. Wait. No.” Kashmir sipped the water that was already on the table. “That's the whole point. We're doing something new, just to see what it's like.”

Carmine sighed. “Alright, fine,” he said. “I mean, hell, it's not like we had plans in the first place.”

“Exactly!” Kashmir grinned and rested his head on Carmine's shoulder.

Carmine put an arm around Kashmir's waist as a waitress bounced up to the table.

“How cute!” the waitress gushed. “And what can I get you lovebirds tonight?”

Kashmir's smile fell and Carmine shoved him as far away as he could.

“So I noticed something,” Kashmir said as they left the restaurant. “Where's your gun?”

Carmine scowled. “On the ship.”

“You left it?”

“I don't want to talk about it.” While Carmine didn't anticipate having to shoot anything, he felt naked without his gun. He felt...off. He wasn't himself. Unless he didn't have any clothes on, his gun was always strapped to his thigh. Hell, even when he was nude, it was never more than a few feet away. However, as much as Kashmir didn't want to admit it, this meant a lot to him, so Carmine was going to do everything in his power not to mess it up.


Carmine instinctively reached out and grabbed the closest thing to him, which happened to be Kashmir's hand. Kashmir looked up at the gunman in shock for a second, but he didn't say anything about it. “S-so what should we do now?” he asked. Carmine could see a bit of a blush creep into the cage fighter's cheeks.

“Good question.” Carmine had only done this once before, and they had pretty much quit halfway through and spent the rest of the night at her house.

Bitch. The scar on the back of his head hurt at the very thought of her. This was no time for unpleasantness, though. “We could see a movie.”

“Nah. There's nothing out.” Kashmir looked around. “Do you want to get some ice cream?”

yes yes oh god yes WAIT NO-Carmine shook his head. “Not now, I'm pretty full.” Getting ice cream would lead to eating ice cream, eating ice cream would lead to watching Kashmir eat ice cream, and watching Kashmir eat ice cream would lead to eating ice cream off of Kashmir, which was not the point of the date. Damn, making decisions with something besides your penis was difficult.

“Look!” Kashmir said as they came to the top of a hill. A small carnival was set up at the bottom. He smiled. “You want to?”

A carnival. Cool. Cute little rides, games, and a bunch of other things to take Carmine's mind off of Kashmir and how fucking hot he would look half naked and shivering with need as he licked melted strawberry ice cream off of his OH GODDAMMIT-“Sure, why not?” Carmine smiled, barely resisting the urge to scream and and bash his head against the concrete.

The rest of the night went without incident-minus one time when the guy running the 'shoot the targets' game accused Carmine of cheating. “You still think it's dumb, don't you?” Carmine asked as the pair walked back onto the ship.

“Yeah.” Kashmir nodded. “I guess I'm just not the romantic type.” He stretched and yawned. “Well, I guess is where I'm supposed to say goodnight.”

Carmine raised an eyebrow. “Really? Just like that?”

“Well, that's how they do it in the movies, so...”

“Fuck this.” Carmine took off his glasses and snatched the rubber band from his hair and threw them in two separate directions. “Date's over. Pants off, loser.”

“I thought you'd never fucking ask,” Kashmir hissed, hands flying to his belt. “You know, I wanted ice cream for a reason.”

Carmine stopped in the middle of unbuttoning his shirt. “Are you serious? I was holding back!”

“You? Impressive. I should give you a treat.”

“Oh, I'm taking my damn treat.”

Kashmir laughed when Carmine threw him against the wall. “See, this is proof that we're not a roses and candles kind of couple.”

“Hey, don't write them off so quickly.” Carmine viciously bit Kashmir's bottom lip, smiling when the shorter man pulled away. “I've seen people do some very interesting things with candles.”

“God, you sexy fucking psycho.”

“Little asshole.”

“Twisted slut.”

“Smart-mouthed bitch.”

“Sadistic gunfucker.”

“Ooh, I like that one.”

Kashmir grinned. “You know, we should do this more often.”

“Do we have to suffer through the expensive dinners and all that?” Carmine asked, rolling his eyes.

“No, I was just talking about this part.”

“Well,” Carmine said, unzipping Kashmir's jacket, “then I'm all for it.”

[author] aublivienne, [challenge] grapefruit

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