Title: A Kind of Paradise
Story Continuity:
Battle For the Sun extra
Flavors: Rocky Road 3: yard, Chocolate Chip Mint 9: wispy, Rhubarb 4: with friends like these, who needs enemies?
Toppings/Extra: Pocky, Butterscotch (before Cyprian's birth), Sprinkles
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: An eight-year-old Filomena Corvo lays down to dream wrapped in the soft green of her mother's garden. Or, why Cyprian never knew his sister.
Heaven was the garden behind Filomena's house. Whenever the warm sunlight softly vivified the flowers, Filomena's faith renewed and strengthened.
Filomena made herself a crown of daisies that day, marveled at the thinness of the stems as she wound them round each other. They died when picked, but they faded just like Grandma Eunice, quietly and subtly.
She curled round herself later, chewing the berries given from one of the friendly bushes, and slept in the shade, smiling as her heartbeat slowed in stasis.
Filomena faded like a daisy, but her mother's anguished scream was heard the next town over.