Author: Bitz
Title: The Mask of Laramie
Rating: G
Challenge: Strawberry #10. Mask
Topping/Extra: Sprinkles (Laramie and Luca), Pocky
Hearts on Fire Series/ Hawaiian Sunrise Crossover
Summary: Lara opens up to Luca
Word Count: 100
"Why are you so afraid of opening up to me, baby girl?"
I look up into the light green eyes I knew so well and nearly teared up at the intense admiration and concern in them. Luc was right. I still hadn't told him what made me tick and why, but it was so hard.
"I'm afraid." I managed to whisper, rubbing my arms.
Luca held me close to him with a sigh and replied in calming voice. "Laramie, you don't need to be afraid to show your feelings. Embrace them."
I nodded. The day would come.
But not today.