So I finally got around to settin' myself up with a new copy of Firefox on this computer (yeah, I know, it took me forever, shut up), and this time around, I said "oh, what the heck" and added StumbleUpon (I'm runa27 on there as well, if you're curious).
And the VERY first result?
WAS MADE. OF WIN. <3 <3 <3
It's a site entirely devoted to blog-style posts from people telling (as Hemingway once did) an entire story in a single sentence. The stories are all "true stories" that range from the gut-wrenchingly painful ("When I found out the boy whose small gestures of kindness in high school had given me faith in humanity had hanged himself, I lost that faith in humanity." - Signed "locker buddy")... to the gut-bustingly funny (" When I asked my son how hitting his brother in the eye could be 'an accident,' he replied, 'I was trying to hit him in the nose.'" - signed "Eva"). One of my favorites so far?
"Walking downtown, holding hands with my long-haired boyfriend, I often wondered how many people who saw us from behind thought we were lesbians." - signed "Someone"