Jun 28, 2009 13:05
I like Michael Jackson as much as the next 80's kid, but let it the fuck go. Every time some celebrity dies, the world turns into a neverending smorgasbord to masturbating over their corpse.
I was sad when Carlin died
I was sad when Jackson died
I was sad when....okay, that's about it.
the world has lost a LOT of great minds, great influences in the world of music and comedy, but you know what, their deaths are not more important than yours, or mine. These people are NOT better people than your average Blue Collar Men and Women, and I'm sick of the fact that "the internet stopped" when MJ died.
The thing that pisses me off most is that apparently the death of a celebrity (even one as famous, loved, and influential as MJ) is apparently bigger news than the fact that North Korea is ready and willing to try blowing up the US with nuclear weapons....yeah, news really has it's priorities set.
Fuck off, if I hear one more mention of "long lived the king", I'm going to headbutt you into oblivion.
You know, a Week ago, I was listening to his music happily, I never got sick of him. I'm ready to burn my MJ albums now, after only a few days of him being dead. God I hate people.