I've said it a million times before, but this is it I am done. People all my life have told me don't associate with people who bring you down. And 95% of the time you do that just that. I am sick of riding your roller coaster. Can't I do anything without getting a snide comment from the peanut gallery? You obviously aren't a friend, and you have no
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That said, I'd probably be more positive towards you if you were more adult to me. You obviously equate me stating what I honestly think about certain situations with me being "mean". You don't know what mean is, if I ever chose to be mean to you, you'd be in tears almost immediately. Just take it easy.
(By the way, it's "you desperately need to be", not "too". Ohh, Spelling Nazi to the rescue! Whew! That was a close one.)
Also, you also misspelled unpleasant.
And actually, my comments had nothing to do with Rachael, but more to do with your pride in being able to bring someone to tears with words. Unpleasant at best.
But I wasn't boasting, its an actual ability. Tried and true. Having a background in psychology. I was just letting her know I've never been mean to her, she's just being very sensitive.
Asking me if we have ever had an intellectual conversation, is mean.
How am I not "being adult"? Because I care what people say about me? I am sensitive, that's ok with me. I am sorry you don't like to have your emotions have a lot to do with your life. But my emotions have a lot to do with mine. I happened to have held your opinions very highly in the past, because at one time I thought very highly of you. But I feel you take pleasure in tearing myself and others down. You have never stated that you take pleasure in tearing me down, but you have stated that about others. The way you state things on the comments you leave me come across as snide to me most of the time. Maybe you are meaning them a different way, but they don't come across that way to me.
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