Previously: An adventure to Egypt (:
Sage gets right to work on finding a hubby to have some children with. Her first victim: The man-maid.
Sage: You're not married.... are you?
Man maid: Ugh, no.
And Sage makes his heart flutter. Brent (Yup, that's his name) is def a keeper :D
Sage: So what's your job again??
Brent: Man maid. You hired me this morning. How do you not know?
Don't question Brent, just smile (:
Poor Brent.
Ow ow!
What are you plotting, Sage? -_-
I don't think they care.
Self conceeded bitch..
Aaand a baby is on the way.
Don't be a creeper, Stephenie D:
Look, Brent, I have this crazy idea...
Sage: Our future is all up in this box. I bet you have no clue :D
Sage: It's a wedding ring :D
Brent: YES!!!!! *squeals*
Brent: Ohmaigosh :_)
Those are tears of joy.
While some douche bag tries to read the bible to Sage, she pops! =3
Time for the wedding!!!
Sage: Let's get this show on the road!
Edward: I do not approve D:<
Sage & Brent: *Don't give a shit*
So beautiful *sniffle*
Sage: Oh, btw, I'm preggers so go to Toy R Us and get some building blocks for the kid kthx..
But Brent was quickly distracted because...
Alejandro died! D:
He's a ghost :(
Death shows up.
The Lestrange clan is heartbroken that Generation 2's heir has died.
Well, everyone but Stephenie.
RIP, Alejandro
Demetri seems to have been hit the hardest by this :(
And with a new family member on the way, I decided to have Stephenie and Demetri move out. We needed more bedroom space =p
Here is Brent post-makeover. I decided I'm going to start putting Likes and LTWs up in the stats from now on (:
While wandering the town the proceeding day, I find Lincoln, Hercules and Paige still fretting about their father's death.
Anyways, Brent got a job in the music career. CANT WAIT FOR AMBITIONS YEAHHH!!
Uh-oh Oreos!!!
She's gonna give birth!!
Home birth! :D
Get ready for the magic baby to spawn from NO WHERE
It's a girl!
And her name is Lola Lestrange <333
Birthday time!!
It's.... bald.
Blond hair. Figures. She is good looking for a tot (:
Generation 1
1.0 -
1.1 -
1.2 -
1.3 -
1.4 -
Heir Poll Generation 2
2.0 -
2.1 -
2.2 -
2.3 -
Heir Poll Generation 3
3.0 -
3.1 -
3.2 -
3.3 -
3.4 -
Heir PollGeneration 4