Jul 14, 2007 00:52
So. There's a pixy sitting on top of the screen, looking down at what I'm typing. To my left, a mini-rose plant and African violets. Damn it, Spike's hard to refuse when he's fanboying like that. At least the newest little Rogue, Jaqi, seems like she'll be a useful addition to the team. From what I looked up, tampering with security systems seems to be a specialty of her kind. I guess she's kind of cute, too. I just wish she'd stop trying to braid my feathers.
Got to teach Jaqi a few things, though. No one starts off on our calibre, after all. I got to start with the basics and have her work her way up from there.
But she really is the cutest fucking thing ever. And if you ever tell anyone I said this, I will deny it fervently.