Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard.

Apr 03, 2009 00:29

This past week has been one big crisis in the world of JRCQ.

And for no real reason, either.

I mean, I don't want to go home for Easter (solely because my grandparents are still in my yellow room.)
I'm sick of homework (but what college kid isn't?)
I want it to be summer (what human being doesn't?)
The future freaks me out (thank you, Motion City Soundtrack)

My mother blames all of my troubles and woes on Huckleberry withdrawals.
I blame all of my troubles and woes on lack of sleep, abundance of work, a few cruddy people and situations. (Although I wouldn't totally disagree with the Huckleberry withdrawals)

I do have to say that not all people are cruddy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I have some amazing people in my life, which is actually really impressive, considering as how I 1. Have no social skills, 2. Am totally awkward, 3. Did not start talking to/associating with people until I was 10 years old 4. Did not have a best friend until I was 10 years old, because 5. I found books more interesting, and almost-but-not-quite-child-prodigies are totally famous for being and doing most if not all of these things.

To continue this whole list thing and the idea that there are some pretty amazing people in my life, here I give you:

Justina's List of Amazing People Who Have Gotten Her Through This Week*
[*Disclaimer: These are only the top five. These are not the only amazing people in my life. These are in no particular order whatsoever. I am an equal opportunity amazing-people lister.]

5. John Green. One of my new favorite authors, hands down. I managed to devour two of his books in two days. One funny, one sad, both amazing.

4. My mother. When giving me someone's phone number in which the last four digits are 2475, she said "Look, sweetie! It's my age, then your age just put together!!!!" If that's not a little insight to why I am the way I am, then I don't know what is.

3. Sheryl Crow. "All I wanna do is have some fun, and I got a feelin' I'm not the only one..." New addition to a mix road trip CD for the summer. That song has pretty much been on repeat.

2. The occupants of 415 Doyle, including but not limited to: Kate, Greg, Lisa and Cara. For making sure I eat, getting me off campus, listening to me cry for absolutely no apparent reason, being HOT MAMAS at Junior Prom and just generally keeping me entertained.

1. The romantic associate. Or boyfriend, if you prefer. For reasons that don't need an explanation.

Now that I've rambled and made precisely zero sense, I am going to go read three articles for an "educated discussion" in class tomorrow and continue listening to the Green brothers from across the hall.
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