
Jun 07, 2011 22:54


動き出す銀の窓枠 咄嗟に掴んで
思い知る まだ消し去れない ...

いまでも君が 素敵なこと
誰よりもっと 包まれていて欲しいこと
世界中の傘をいま 届けたい

よみがえる 救われたフレーズ

いまならわかる 痛いほど
あの日々をいつか 誇れるように笑えるように
笑顔で手を振れる日まで 進んでく

The silver window frame starts to move, catching hold of the moment
I realize I still cannot erase...

Even now, you are something beautiful
something that ought to be loved
something I want to be wrapped up more than anything else
I want to send you all umbrellas throughout the world

I recall a rescued phrase
I wonder if I was able to leave something behind in you

Now I understand, to a degree it hurts,
Instead of telling you
So that I can someday be proud of those days, so that I can smile
Until the day I can wave my hands with a smile
I will go forward, without turning back


Excerpts taken from the lyrics of 車窓 (Car Window) by flumpool,
translation found in turtle_yurippe

Today an inspirational university friend passed away. 
And like everyone says, what's important is not how she died, it's how she lived.
We weren't that close so to say, but every time I passed her or met her in the hallway, in the library, or in the cafeteria, I always saw her smiling. And she always had this lively vibe around her. I often looked at her in awe and thought of how alive she was. I've always wanted to be someone with such a positive aura like her.

I'm thankful our ways have met each other's at some points in our lives.

Thank you, Damai.
May you rest in peace, just like your name and how you make everyone else feel.
We love you.

Note: "Damai" in Bahasa Indonesia, my language, means "peace"
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