I love my hair. I really do. It's dark, shiny, abundant, grows quickly and I can do just about anything with it.
I like it so much that it feeds my pride sometimes. And that's not a good thing. Recently, as in the last few years, the L-rd has put something in my heart that I just cannot shrug off. It's
Locks of Love, an organization that accepts hair donations to make wigs for cancer patients, usually little kids. So how could I possibly refuse? If I have been blessed with abundant, fast-growing hair why should I refuse to share what I have been blessed with?
So in June 2007 I donated ten inches of hair. This was my first time donating:
Before, After.
I felt good about it, and since I love having long hair, I still felt I had some length there. It was a good change for me, plus it was right before the real heat of the Oregon summer, so I knew it was a good move.
My hair grows so quickly that I felt like I was due for another cut this month. And yet, I worried if I'd have the required ten inches. After a year and a half, could my hair have possibly grown that much?
10 January 2009
Yeah, it was time. Yesterday, I asked a friend of mine to cut it for me. She's a great hairdresser, having constant practice on her own daughter. She measured out the required ten inches, secured my hair in a pony-tail, and snip, snip it was off! I felt my hair. It felt awfully high. But when you have long hair and cut it, it always feels like too much has been cut off, right? Like there's nothing there, right?
Well, this time, it really is shorter than what I had in mind.
It's not that I don't like it, because I think it's cute, I really do. It's just that, well, I like longer hair. It makes me feel more femenine. And this is quite a bit shorter than I've cut my hair in a VERY long time. Maybe even since when I was a kid.
So my vanity is once again leveled and I'm doing something that's going to bless someone else.
And for that, Praise HaShem!