(But I Fear) I Have So Much To Lose (Heroes)

Sep 25, 2007 17:57

Title: (But I Fear) I Have So Much To Lose
Author: Kate (deanscookie)
Rating: PG for drama
Category: Gen
Word Count: 326
Spoilers: All the way up to How To Stop An Exploding Man.
Summary: Claire's reaction after Peter and Nathan fly away.
Disclaimer: Tim Kring owns them all, I'm just borrowing.
Notes: My first Heroes fic! Written for the heroes15 prompt Silence. Beta'd by the fabulous and brilliant papered. <3 And I realize my claim is Peter, but this is about him, but from Claire's POV.


The light that bursts from the explosion in the sky is almost blinding. And the silence that follows is deafening.

Inwardly, Claire rolls her eyes and rejects the cliché. Silence cannot be deafening. Silence is just that - silent. No sound at all, not even the gasping breaths she’d heard from Matt Parkman a few moments before. Utter and complete silence. For a quick moment, Claire wonders if maybe she'd gone deaf. Which would make this silence actually deafening. She almost laughs at the thought, hysterical from fear and exhaustion, but she holds it back.

She's afraid to make a sound. To disrupt this silence in any way. Because if she does, and life goes on, then he's really gone. But then again, is he gone? Claire had seen Peter do amazing things- she'd seen him come back from the dead. So perhaps he had survived... and perhaps not. Either way, for now, she's lost him. And it hurts like hell.

For a second she wonders if it's wrong that she's not concerned for her biological father at all. All of her fear has been for Peter and Peter alone. Even though her father had made as much of sacrifice as Peter did, maybe even more- it had to be harder for him- she doesn't care. She just wants Peter back.

She wants to cry, to scream, to beg for him back. But she's afraid to speak, to break the stillness that's keeping her pain at bay, if only for a few moments. But her father has no such qualms. He breaks the silence- breaks the world- with a single word.


She collapses into his arms, screaming and crying and begging for Peter back. She doesn't know whom she's screaming at. Her father? The sky? God? Was there even a God? So many terrible things had happened to her, and she doesn't know how to believe any more.

Peter always knew how to believe.

Peter's gone.


category: gen, fandom: heroes, rating: pg

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