Ruin Takada's Bodacious Birthday Celebrations... (Update 13/04/13)

Apr 13, 2013 18:15


As you may have heard, yesterday (the 12th of April) was my 19th birthday. Due to this, I decided that today of all days would be a good opportunity (ney, excuse) to give you an update on everything, including how yesterday actually went.

News: Birthday
I know turning 19 isn't as much of a landmark event as, for example, turning 18 or 21 is, but in any case I want to share it with you.
On the cyberworld, I went off the map as I spent the entire day off my computer (which explains why, to those wonderful people who sent me birthday greets, I didn't reply - don't worry though; I've read them, and you've warmed my heart thoroughly.)
As one is wont to do at Christmas, I opened my gifts in the morning. So far, these gifts include:
  • A small set of haircare products (1 bottle Argania Oil, and 1 blue and pink tangle-teezer hair brush).
  • Two new links for my Nomination charm bracelet (1 letter M, 1 treble clef)
  • One £10 voucher to spend at Waterstones' bookstore.
  • One new book - Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist.

I also received some money, with which to do what I wish. I won't tell you how much that was, because my personal funds should remain personal, but I will tell you that I was really quite pleased and thankful for it. I'll probably save some of it, and spend some on books, new clothes and things, especially as I've taken to reading books for research for various stories. Because, you know, I care about my work.
Once I'd made myself presentable, I went out to town, where I met up with someone I've known for about 7 or 8 years - my best friend Hirilo; as she didn't know what to buy me, we'd be spending some of the afternoon shopping for a gift for me. As good an idea as it was, even she wasn't prepared for one very important, very unfortunate fact about me: I am IMPOSSIBLE to buy for. Really. Take me shopping, and most of the time will be spent dealing with my inability to actually decide upon something.
In any case, after about 3 hours or so of wandering around shops, which was punctuated by a stop at Costa for a hot drink and a muffin (hot chocolate and a triple chocolate muffin for Hirilo, cafe latte and a lemon & poppy muffin for me), I'd finally decided on something: The aforementioned Let The Right One In.
By the time we both arrived at my house for a buffet-style dinner, it was 6pm, and the rest of the guests (my siblings and their friends, some of them counting as <'plus-ones'>) had already been contemplating eating all of the food and leaving us with nothing, which was okay; I helped myself to a fairly large portion of chilli con carne and rice, salad, a slice of pizza of some description and two slices of quice, which essentially put paid to their schemes. Hirilo, being a decidedly dainty eater, had the bare minimum of salad and perhaps a couple of slices of pizza. It was all right, though, as she helped herself to a large slice of chocolate gateau, while I had some trifle.
After dinner, some jokes, a lot of laughter and dancing, we were all banished to the local bowling alley. Now, I'm sorry to say, but this is where I admit that, no, I am not perfect, and with four of us absconded to one lane, I was the one to lose the first game. I did come in second for the second game, which was fairly nifty - I would have come in first, had Hirilo not caught up with me and destroyed my chances at first. The defeats didn't hurt, mind, as the tannoy was playing some great music, including Green Day, P!nk and PSY. The horse-riding Gangnam Style dance was a great distraction.
When we came back at around 11pm, having dropped off most of our guests but for one (who was staying the night), there were more jokes and cheers as we ate some cake and cold pizza before bed.

Which brings me to today. Permitted a lay-in, I was out of bed at 1.30pm, and finally in day clothes by 5pm, having spent the time waiting for everyone to use the bathroom before me while enduring jibes at my laziness. --___--

To be fair, I'm actually enjoying being 19, all considered: The 19 year old me, while yet unable to finish books, has been reading some great ones:
  • The Divine Comedy (Oxford World Classics, Sisson translation) by Dante Aligheri
  • House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
  • Battle Royale by Koushin Takami

and, most recently...
  • Paradise Lost by John Milton
I've also found that the best way to read this one, understand it and enjoy it, is to read it out loud. Which I do. Usually under my breath on the bus. Somehow, this has become my solution as to how to spend my time when my mp3 player loses power.

Having now rejoined the cyberworld, I've found that, while I was away, a good handful of people have been wishing me a happy birthday on my fb page, as been people on LJ, here. I won't tell you who, as I feel that might cheapen the sentiment, I will mention a ficlet written for me as a gift by one nanoquill, which can be found here, and is very much worth the read - in fact, I'm very tempted to declare it a better love story than Twilight (which, to be fair, it actually is).

So, as you can see, I've had a great birthday this year. Hopefully, this will set the tone for many more to come.

News: Ave Maria
After a nice jump in planning, you'll see from the update of this fic's headpage that I can confirm the number of chapters for the first part of the story, which is to start on chapter 2. Not only that, but the chapters, which have been completely planned in their entirety, have been titled. Of course, as per the arrangement, there will be no more chapters until all of the second part has been planned out in its entirety, but until then, that's by the by.
As for chapter 1, which you already know from my mentionings will be entirely poetry rather than prose, I have been doing yet more research for it by reading Paradise Lost, which, yes, is amazing thus far. The inspiration from it so far is definitely useful, and it's all giving me a flavour for the kind of piece I want it to be (however, I will try to strike a balance between the language of Milton's day and the language of our day, in an effort to have all of the beauty available as well as the comprehension). For that reason, I suppose it goes without saying that there will be something of a gap between now and its release - for now, expect it in late June so as to save yourself any disappointment.

News: 'Original Story'
The original story inspired by White Apples, believe it or not, benefitted from a massive jump in planning, plot and enthusiasm as of late, and so we not only have new characters, but also new plot, new themes, new... everything, really. While I won't give you specifics, I will tell you that we'll soon enough be ready to start planning the entire thing, all in preparation for the writing of the first draft. My aim, of course, is towards a work that is the best it can be, a shining example of vampire literature today, and something that will help abolish the modern assumption that all vampire fiction is somehow related to Twilight (yes, that monster). Indeed, it's needless to say that I'd much rather be compared to Lindqvist than Meyer on any day of the week.

And with that, I'm certain that I've rambled on a little too long. In fact, this entry has taken about two days for me to write up, due mainly to my computer's refusal to do anything the first time it's asked. In any case, I hope you've enjoyed this update - usually, I have no idea if anyone's reading, which does wonders for my confidence and self-assurance, let me tell you...

Well, until next time, and all the best until then.
Ruin Takada XXX

mark z. danielewski, dante aligheri, john ajvide lindqvist, battle royale, house of leaves, ave maria, paradise lost, john milton, koushun takami, fanfiction, let the right one in, white apples, the divine comedy, update 13/04/13, orginal story

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